
I've started a tumblr awhile ago which I'm gonna say now is all smut (for the time being) of Gojo, Ayato, Xiao, Alhaitham, Shoto Todoroki (basically my anime bois but more men to come). 
          	So if you enjoy that kind of thing you can find some content on my Tumblr


I've started a tumblr awhile ago which I'm gonna say now is all smut (for the time being) of Gojo, Ayato, Xiao, Alhaitham, Shoto Todoroki (basically my anime bois but more men to come). 
          So if you enjoy that kind of thing you can find some content on my Tumblr


I wonder if I should release all of my unfinished work? I'm not active here anymore and maybe people will still find enjoyment even if a series hasn't ended? Of course I would mark all of my unfinished work and release every unpublished chapter. I just hate to see so much work go to waste, and even if people want to put their own spin on my ideas I wouldn't mind as long as correct credits are given.
          What do you guys think?


@ReadersX- sounds like a great idea. Cant imagine them being anything under great. The first book i ever read on wattpad was actually yours. So i really think you should. <3


@lovejtremain  @Ginnivee I probably will then! Thanks for the feedback, although I might dust off a couple and keep editing the rest I may release! Thanks very much :)


@ReadersX- down for that!


I'd like to add onto my previous post, I did in fact save a multitude of times because of what happened the first time and losing the entire chapter. I wish I could post a screenshot of how many times I saved, BUT IT WAS A LOT.
          I guess regardless of how much I saved my draft it still wanted to clear itself out. Maybe I should find somewhere else to start writing before putting it into Wattpad so I don't lose so much progress.


Yeah, that’s probably the best solution. Sometimes I write my draft on my notes first then just copy and paste


Hi hello I'm not dead.
          Quick question; IS ANYONE ELSE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THEIR DRAFTS SAVING??? This is the 2nd mf time one of my chapters didn't save and was completely blank when I went to keep writing after a couple of hours. (Keep in mind I'd already written over 1k words.)
          I went into revision history and THANKFULLY most of it was there but it was still missing around 100 words or more I'd written. I'm getting sick of using Wattpad because of its endless issues.


@ReadersX- that’s great! Keep up the good work!


@-LenaSmith- unfortunately my computer had died haha. But I've decided I'm just gonna use Google docs, it's been working pretty good so far :)


Not really, I mean it freakin sucks that the draft didn’t save, but I don’t seem to be having any problems. I do everything from my phone, maybe if you use a computer that’s the problem. If not, then I’m not really sure… still sucks tho


Sometimes I forget I have Wattpad lmao 


Are you going to update 


I'm thinking about publishing many books that are unfinished ( and I'm not sure if they ever will be finished but who knows )
          I feel like the time I did put into them will go to waste since my account is starting to collect dust with my inactivity.
          Would anyone read my unfinished fanfics?
          All are x readers and will include the following:
          New Star Wars Imagines chapters
          Genshin Impact Imagines
          Arataki Itto (Genshin)
          Diluc (Genshin)
          Hunter (Star Wars)
          Cal Kestis (Star Wars)
          The Mandalorian (Star Wars) 
          Shoto Todoroki (MHA)
          Katsuki Bakugo (MHA)
          Loki (MCU)
          Spider-Man (MCU)
          Let me know what you think, and thank you to everyone for your support.


Yesss Star Wars 


@ReadersX- i love your works, so i def would read them! :)


@ReadersX- I'd read the Star Wars and mcu ones


I just did a mass unfollowing so for those who are concerned about their follow to followers ratio I've most likely unfollowed you.
          On the other hand, I've kept those who I've had most interaction with, and if there are some who are upset just let me know and I'll follow you back.