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IT WAS HELL. And Wren hated how she didn't know how long all of this had been going on. By the looks of the scene in front of her (a husband chasing after his wife, who was being pulled away on a cart) it had been going on for a while. Her wrists burned from where the handcuffs had rubbed against her skin, and she lowered her head against the wall with a sigh that made her cough due to the lack of water in her system. They were in the middle of a bloody desert, and yet no liquids had been presented to them to quench their thirst.

Wren continued to watch the action unfold, feeling completely useless, and she squinted once the clouds began to darken, and thunder cackled in the distance as the boat with the civilians was pushed onto the water. Green fog began to cover the ocean, and she could feel her eyes widen in confusion. Soon, the longboat was covered with the mist, and shouting could be heard, before everything went back to normal, except for the fact that the group of people had disappeared into the fog.

"Get them up," a man commanded, and they were all lugged to their feet, and Wren tried her best to wiggle out of her restraints, but to no use. She could barley lift her arms up at that point, she was too weak, too hungry. Lucy was the first one to be put onto the stage. Wren shifted anxiously on her feet. Surely Caspian and Edmund had come up with some sort of plan? She had tried to think of anyway out, but there was none. It was up to them now.

"I bid sixty!" A man yelled from the crowd.

"I bid eighty!"

"I bid this is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous," Wren muttered.

"One hundred for the little lady!" Another hollered.

"One hundred and twenty!"

"One hundred and fifty," another bet.

"Any more bids?" The seller asked, and when nobody said anything, he hung a sign that read sold around her neck. He shoved Lucy to the side, and then grabbed Eustace. "And now, for this spine specimen. Who'll kick off the bidding? Come on, now. He may not look like much, but he's uh, strong."

"Yeah, he's strong all right," a familiar voice said from the crowd, and Wren immediately perked up. It sounded like Rynelf; one of the crew members who had helped her with sword fighting over the course of the past three years. "Smells like the rear end of a minotaur."

The crowd laughed as Eustace's face scrunched up. "That is an outrageous lie! I won the shook hygiene award two years running."

More laughter. "Someone make a bid! If not, this pretty lady is up next. Stop trying to escape," the man sneered in her ear. "My baton's got your back."

"How about you stick it up your arse instead?" Wren snapped, before she was roughly thrown onto the stage next to Eustace.

"Get them both, then!"

"I'll take them off your hands," another familiar voice spoke up, and Wren knew that one belonged to Reep. Her eyes scanned through the crowd for him, but she could barley see over the top of the seller's head. "I'll take them all off your hands! For Narnia!"

Ten men in cloaks suddenly pulled off the cloth, revealing crew members from the Dawn Treader. Wren instantly relaxed, but the feeling didn't last long as a battle broke out, and she was in the middle of it with no way to defend herself.

Something hard pulled her to the side, and she realized it was the seller. She kicked at him, only to wound up being smacked across the face. Anger bubbled up in her stomach, and she went to knee him right in the crotch, before a tanned hand was placed on his shoulder, and he spun around.

WAR OF HEARTS ━ prince caspian xWhere stories live. Discover now