Author's Note

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Happy New Year beautiful people ♥️

2020 was a rollercoaster. There were ups and downs, highs and lows, but what is important is that we survived it, and got to wake up to another year with a new hope. This year, let us promise ourselves to be a little more kinder, to others and to ourselves, because everyone needs it. On the first day of this new year and a new decade, I wish all my readers happiness, peace and prosperity. Thank you to all of you for picking up my books to add to your library, immersing yourselves in my characters lives, and loving and accepting them. I'll be forever grateful to each and everyone of you for helping me out with your kind words of encouragement because I needed them when I was writing these stories. Writing was my escape from my own problems, and your encouragement really helped.  I'm aware of the mistakes I might've also made while writing, which may have offended some people, and I apologise to them for that. I'm still growing, observing and learning. And I'll be more careful of what I say or write in the future because I believe words have a powerful impact on the minds of people as well as their lives.

There are many questions people do have and yes, I do notice. I try to reply to some but it gets difficult with my hectic schedules, due to which I can't always be available on wattpad. So I'll be providing my Instagram and Snapchat handle below. Feel free to follow and add me, and ask me your questions regarding the characters, the storyline, backgrounds and anything else you would like to know.

Have a great year ahead, and I'll see you soon.

Love you all♥️

Instagram: @__krishnananda
Snapchat: @k_forkind

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