Part 21

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School the next morning wasn't very eventful, not that I had expected anything to happen. I walked through the halls in a daze, extremely tired from my bad night of sleep. During recess, I was at my locker putting books away and searching around for the materials I needed for my next class, when a hand touched my back. "Hey Susan."

Surprised, I turned around. Once I saw that it was only Zavier standing next to me, I relaxed. "Oh, hey."

He smiled briefly. "It's been a lil minute since me and the boys spoke to you." Well, we said hi to each other all the time. Seeming to sense my thoughts, he said, "You know. Really talked."

I nodded. "Yeah." I looked up at him. "What's up?"

"Me and boys were thinkin' of goin' to see Kenny soon."

He now had my complete undivided attention. "How soon?"

"Um, we was thinkin' Saturday."

"Who's going?"

"Well, that's what me and the guys are tryna organize. We limited it to only two people this time. We thought it'd make sense if you got the first spot."

"I really appreciate that," I said sincerely. "Um, so, you don't know who's going with me?"

"Nah, not exactly." Zavier scratched his head. "It might be me, Jackson. We'll figure it out."

"Oh, okay. Well, you'll keep me posted before Saturday?"

"Um, yeah. Actually..." He took his phone out from the back pocket of his pants. "Me and the boys created a lil group chat on Messenger. You know, just me, Chris, Jackson and Armon. Not the whole crew cause we already got one with all the boys, but I wanted to include you in one you'd be comfortable with. I'm sendin' you an invite now."

I took out my phone. "Yup." I nodded. "Yeah, I got it. I just accepted."

Zavier nodded. "Okay." He put his phone away. "That's where you'll be posted on updates. I know you don't got all our phone numbers, so on there you could reach us all if you need to, a'ight?"

I nodded again. "Yeah. Totally. I think it's great that you guys thought of this."

Zavier smiled. "A'ight cool."

"Yo Zavier!" We turned around. Armon was standing a few metres away. "You comin' or what? Seal's boutta start the car!" He noticed me and waved. I returned the greeting.

"A'ight I'm comin'!" Zavier said. "Imma meet you outside!"

Armon left and Zavier turned back to me. "Skipping?" I asked.

Zavier shook his head. "Nah, not necessarily. We got stuff to do. We're gettin' food and comin' back at lunch. Want me to get you anything?"

"Um..." I shook my head. "You don't have to do that."

"You know we always lookin' out. We'll bring you somethin' anyways. Whatchu want? Food, beverage...?"

I hesitated before deciding not to argue. "Alright. Beverage."

Zavier nodded. "Cool. If we get back here on time, Imma come find you in the caf."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Always a pleasure. See ya later." He held up the peace sign.

"Bye." I watched him leave. *

He kept his word and later, halfway through lunch, found me in the cafeteria and handed me a bottle of Pepsi, reminding me to check the group chat on Messenger. I wasn't a big fan when it came to sodas, but I appreciated the gesture. I took a sip from the bottle and grimaced as the substance went down my throat. I screwed the cap back on, deciding that burping constantly in my next class would not be very appealing. Maybe I'd give the drink to Adele later. What I was really focussed on though was seeing Kenny. Him being on my mind almost 24/7 was a struggle, and the opportunity of possibly getting to see his face in a few days felt like a reward to me. Having this thought in my mind improved my day. *

When To Put Trust On The LineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum