Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Isaac arrived at the congregation headquarters parking garage. It was a nondescript building with no signs or adornments. He parked inside and saw the usual attendant near the entrance. He nodded and opened his trunk. He passed the keys over and headed inside.

There was a small staircase leading to the first floor. He saw the receptionist inside and prepared to take a seat in the waiting area.

"No need to wait Mr. Isaac." The receptionist gestured to the side. "Mr. Corbin has been made aware you are here and is available now."

Isaac nodded and thanked her. He headed down the hall to the 1st office on the right and knocked once.

"Come." Said a deep voice from within.

Isaac stepped inside the large office and waited just inside the door. It was a familiar dance he had grown accustomed to after all these long years. The man at the desk stood and gestured for Isaac to take a seat in front of the large glass desk. The whole office was very modern with few decorations. It was meant to radiate power and it did.

"I assume you have completed the task at hand?" Corbin sat and folded his hands. Isaac sat back in the chair and nodded.

"Yes the Fallen has been taken care of and the body is here for identification and cremation.",  Isaac said nondescript and with little emotion.

"This one took a little longer than normal to complete. Did everything go smoothly? No loose ends or trouble?" Corbin arched his brow and leaned back.

Isaac made sure to give nothing away. He wished to talk to the witch herself before letting the congregation loose on her. He simply nodded no.

Corbin's eyes were piercing. He sat silent for several minutes and finally sighed. "I expect a report within the week as to the details of the hunt."

Isaac stood, knowing the meeting was at a close. "Not a problem. I will have it to you within a fortnight." Corbin gave a small nod and turned his attention to the notes on his desk.

Isaac stepped out of the office and headed back to the reception area. The receptionist looked up from her computer and smiled. "Your car is ready Mr. Isaac. Please enjoy the rest of your evening."

Isaac walked back down to the parking garage and held out his hand for the waiting attendant. "All has been taken care of Mr. Isaac. Please enjoy the rest of your evening." The attendant handed him his keys and stepped  back to his post at the entrance.

A small smirk crept up as Isaac took the keys and got inside the car. They were so civilized and polite. He had just dropped off a dead body and the staff had no qualms. Everything was meant to be perfectly pleasant. The situation was laughable really. He pulled out of the garage and headed home.


The drive up to his home was winding and filled with trees. The space between each residence got further and further apart as the houses grew in size. He knew there were many wealthy businessman and the like here but he cared not for who lived nearby. He finally arrived at the narrow unmarked street to his house. It winded even further into the wood for about a mile. He pulled up to the entrance and parked. His senses spread out and he felt two others awaiting him. He sighed with resignation as he stepped out and headed to the door.

"What took you so bloody long?! We have been waiting for you for hours!" Isaac rubbed his eyes and smirked at the tall blonde man lounging haphazardly on his sofa. The blonde stretched lazily and moved his feet from the arm of the couch.

"I wasn't exactly expecting your company now was I, Nathaniel?" Isaac said sarcastically. He threw his jacket over the back of a nearby chair and sat down.

"Why even be surprised when you give us the keys?" Another shorter, brown haired man laughed as he entered from the kitchen nearby. He held a glass of wine and took a seat opposite Isaac.

"I gave you the keys, John, if I needed you to tend to the house while I was gone. Not to come as you wish, you vagrant." Isaac grunted.

Nathaniel ignored their play and turned serious as he sat up. "Hunting or business as usual?"

Isaac sat back and crossed his ankles. "Hunting unfortunately. I finished the task this night."

All three men stayed quiet for a moment. "You seem more somber than usual. Was it rough or someone you knew?" Nathaniel asked.

"I have yet to make my report but no it was not an aquaintance. The situation was...unique..." Isaac trailed off with a frown on his face.

"Any details you feel like giving up?" John took a long drink of his wine. "No one likes a mysterious vampire. So cliche!" He smirked.

Isaac let out a small smile at the common nickname the humans gave them. "The fallen was stronger than usual, especially for his age. He was a young man, only 45 years of age, and having been converted for only a handful of years." Isaac's forehead furrowed further as he thought about the circumstances. "He was bleeding a young witch but she survived the assault. She actually helped me to subdue him so I could complete the task."

Both companions leaned forward. Nathaniel answered first with surprise in his voice. "Why was she alone? The witches always seem to be nearby one another. They should have sensed her distress as well."

"She helped You? You must not be exaggerating the Fallen's strength..." John looked at Isaac with concern. "Did you tell Corbin any of This?"

Isaac looked down and then up. "I need to speak with the witch before I send in my report or tell Corbin anything further." He held out his hands before either could protest. "She seemed unaware of our kind and confused by the event. She didn't have good control of her power. She didn't seem to hold an ill will towards me and I intend to speak with her about what transpired before letting things progress."

"Why on earth would you risk It?! So what if she helped You? She is a witch and was being killed. Of course she helped You! It was in her best interest!" Nathaniel exclaimed.

John was serious and thoughtful as he processed the information, ignoring Nathaniel's theatrics. He took another long drink and turned towards Isaac. "Is there something more?" Isaac's eyes flicked to him quickly but remained silent. Nathaniel continued, "I understand your point and agree that you need to tie up loose ends, but there seems to be something else bothering you as well. You seem....invested...."

Isaac's oldest friend knew him too well. He rubbed his hand over face. "I do not know honestly. She seemed different than her counterparts. She intrigued me." He straightened and stood up. "In any case, I need to gather information and clean up. I have blood and dirt all over me." He looked down at his filthy clothes. "You two are welcome to stay the night but I am not in the mood to entertain." With that, he turned, grabbed his jacket and headed down the hall to his rooms.

Both Nathaniel and John looked at one another, concern in their expressions.


She woke in the hospital, groggy and in pain. A nurse by the bed noticed her awake and started fiddling with the buttons on the machine beside her. "Please stay still. I will grab your doctor in just a moment." She rushed out of the room and Emmaline took note of everything around her. She was alone in the room and hooked up to several machines. She could hear the steady beep of a heart monitor. She looked down and saw her arm was heavily bandaged and her head was sore. She reached up with the other hand and felt the gauze around her head.

"Well I am glad you are awake finally!" Emmaline looked towards the young doctor coming in with a small notebook and her chart. She smiled as she came around to the side of the bed and started looking at the machines and her injuries. She pulled out a pen light. "Can you follow this please with your eyes only?" Emmaline followed the light back and forth.

"Great!" Her face turned more serious. "Do you know where you are? Your name?"

Emmaline nodded, wincing at the pain. "Yes I am at the hospital and my name is Emmaline."

The Dr nodded and made a notation. She looked back up, "Do you know what happened?"

Emmaline tensed. How much to say? She couldn't say the truth but how much could they tell from her injuries?

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