twenty eight

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I opened the door to see Aaron standing with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. He wore black slacks on the bottom, and a black button up shirt with the sleeves pinned back, revealing his forearms. I immediately got a whiff of his strong cologne. It smelt like a musky wood, almost like a forest.

"Wow." He let out a breath and smirked while looking me up and down. "You look amazing."

I blushed as I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek, "As do you."

"These are for you." He handed me the bouquet.

"They're beautiful, thank you." I spoke softly as I smelt the roses.

We both made our way into my apartment. I took out a vase from one of the kitchen cabinets and filled it half way with water to put the flowers in. I placed the vase in the center of the island.

I turned around to see Hotch kneeling to play with Gunner. He had Gunner on his back, as he rubbed the dog's stomach playfully. Gunner wagged his tail back and forth.

A big smile grew on my face at the two boys in front of me.

"You ready to go?" Aaron asked, looking up at me.

I nodded, still smiling.

He patted Gunner a few times and stood from his position. Gunner ran over to the couch, jumping up on it.

Aaron opened the door for us to leave and put an arm out, indicating me to go first. I stepped out followed by him as he shut my apartment door.

We interlocked our arms and walked down the hallway to the elevator. When the doors opened, he pressed the lobby button.

"You do look beautiful, you know." He spoke gently with a smile on his face as he looked down to me next to him.

My cheeks turned red and I shook my head.

The doors opened, we crossed the lobby, and exited the building.

We made our way to his parked car. He opened the passenger door for me and helped me step up into the vehicle.

I giggled at his kindness, "Why thank you, sir."

He chuckled before shutting my door and walking around to get in the front seat.

We pulled out of the complex and started the drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

"Dinner." He spoke deeply.

"But where?"

He turned to face me with a small grin on his face, "That, my friend, is a surprise."

After about fifteen minutes of driving, we pulled into the restaurant parking lot. The tan colored building was brightly lit by a sign that read, "Luciano's."

"I hope you like Italian." He said as we both stepped out of the car.

"I love it!" I smiled, as he took my left hand in his and we entered the restaurant.

"Welcome to Luciano's!" The blonde haired hostess greeted us. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, Hotchner for two, please."

She glanced down to the tablet in front of her and tapped a few times with her stylus, "Right this way!"

We followed her down an isle and in between tables filled with other families and couples.

"Here you are! Enjoy your meal." She spoke as she placed the menus on the table.

I thanked her before she walked away.

D.C |Aaron Hotchner|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ