Chapter 11

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Miya: AAAA !!
Miya: * hosh-hosh *
Miya: Thank God, it's just a dream .. Miya: If it's real I can go crazy ..
Miya: "But .. He's not doing suicide, right ..? I'm worried .. :("
Miya: "It's morning, I have to get ready"

Miya packed her things, she brought lots of candy, brought lots of clothes too, toiletries, and so on, she packed it in 1 big bag, then Miya rushed to take a shower and tied her hair, then she immediately left her house and went to the forest.

Miya: "Alu .. Wait for me .. I hope you don't do the stupid things in my dreams ..."
Miya: "Please wait .. I wanna be with you .."

Miya took a taxi and went to the forest near her school, to be precise the forest where she was camping yesterday, then she walked into the forest with courage, she fought her fear just to meet Alu, it took hours to get to the river because Miya kept getting lost in the forest but she never gave up. Before long, the sky grew dark and the rain began to fall, the road also started to be slippery, because her view was covered in fog, Miya fell into a cliff but she could still survive on the tree trunk attached to the cliff side.

The cliff was very deep and dark, Miya felt scared but she didn't scream because she knew, no one could help her even if she screamed as loud as she could, because the forest was deserted, so she fought her fear by crying, but the wooden trunk was almost broken.

Miya: No .. Please .. Hold on ..
Miya: I want to meet Alu .. Please stay alive .. Miya: God .. Please help me ..

Miya was haunted by feelings of fear and her thoughts were getting negative, she thought there would be a ghost pulling her from below. Because she couldn't help feeling scared, Miya finally shouted, but she shouted Alu's name.

Miya: ALUUU !!! HELP ME !!!
Miya: I'M SCARE !!! 😭

Miya also tried to go upstairs but she fell again and again, fear and excessive negative thoughts made Miya nervous and made her body weak and helpless, her hands were not strong enough to hold the wood very tightly.

Miya: "Am I going to die ..?"
Miya: "Please hold on a little longer .." Miya: "Maybe Alu was angry with me .. So he didn't come to help me .." Miya: "Well .. It's my fault too .."
Miya: "Or ... He's suicide ...?"

Miya: "NONONO! Miyaa! Don't think negatively!" > _ <
Miya: "If he's really dead .. I'd better die too .."
Miya: "Is that so ..?"

Her mind was getting more and more chaotic, because Miya felt excessive fear.

Miya: "But I can't give up! I'm sure every problem has a solution! I'm sure of that!"
Miya: "Really Miya! You can do it! I know it!"

The wood was getting damaged, and Miya was getting more scared, she tried to look down and she panicked even more.

Miya: Uh ..!

Miya realized that the wood was about to break.

Miya: No .. No .. No .. Please don't .. Miya: Wood .. Hang on ...
Miya: Please .. I'll find a way ..

Miya: "Argh!"
Miya: "Sh*t .. My hand is far from the edge of the cliff .."

Miya tried to reach the edge of the cliff with her hand but it was difficult and it made the wood even more damaged, soon the wood was broken and Miya immediately screamed in fear while crying.

Miya: "Mama, papa, forgive all my mistakes .."
Miya: "Guin, Wanwan and everyone, forgive my mistake too .."
Miya: "I don't think we'll ever meet again .. Our friendship ends here .."

Miya was crying and closed her eyes.


There is one black winged creature who saves Miya, the creature catches Miya and Miya falls on the creature's lap. And when Miya opened her eyes, she was immediately shocked. He fell on Alu's lap, Alu caught him and she survived, at that time Miya immediately cried.

Alucard: We'll get to the edge first Miya: please stay away from this cliff ..
Alucard: Okay ..

[In the river]

Alucard: Calm yourself first
Miya: You have wings ..?
Alucard: * nods *

Alucard: And ...
Alucard: What are you doing here? Miya: I miss you ..
Alucard: ...
Alucard: Miya, u know I miss u too Alucard: But aren't you afraid of --- Miya: No! Alu! I wanna ask u something!
Alucard: ... What is that?

Miya: Are you .. a devil ..?
Alucard: ...
Alucard: Miya ..
Alucard: Finally .. You know the answer ..

Miya: ARE YOU REALLY A DEVIL ?! Alucard: Yeah ..

Alucard: If you are afraid, I can teleport you to your house ..
Miya: Alu ..
Miya: Please, let me stay here with you forever ..

Alucard was immediately surprised by Miya's words and shed tears.

Alucard: Serious ..?
Miya: * nods *
Miya : If I'm lying, you can hit me Alucard: Miya I would never do that Miya: Alu--
Alucard: Do u love me?
Miya: ...
Miya: Yes .. So much ..
Alucard: U know what .. Me too .. Miya: * teary *

Alucard immediately hugged Miya with great affection, as well as Miya.

And finally they live happily together, Miya decides to quit school and live happily together with Alu, Miya has the power of the devil and she becomes familiar with the ghosts and other creatures in the forest. (So ​​Miya is infected with Alu's power, so Miya grew horns on her head from small & finally grew big after a few months with Alu, after a while she lost her human soul and was full of demon spirits & Alu wasn't afraid to show her demonic form to Miya, (They're not an ugly devils, don't worry :'3)



✨ This is all from the author's imagination✨

Ps: The beginning of the story is crisp & not fun, but read until the end ... :)

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Hope you guys like the story ~
See you in the next story ~ ♥

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