Chapter 2 Meeting Todoroki (Prologue Finale)

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First Year.

Summer break was great. The only problem was that I felt so alone. I miss Sumi and Zumi way to much.

Nemuri: Y/N it's time for school.

Y/N: Yeah I know. Let me get dressed and I'll be right there.

Nemuri: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I just miss Sumi and Zumi.

Nemuri: That's normal. But you'll make new friends possibly even better ones. Maybe even a girlfriend~

Y/N: Nemuri!

Nemuri: Haha you know I'm just messing with you.

But then she got closer and whispered in my ear.

Nemuri: As long as you know you're gonna be all mine when you're of age which is only about 7 years from now.

I start blushing and I was more red then then Crimson Riots hair.

Y/N: Y-Yeah I know.

She giggled and kissed me on the forehead. After she left I got dressed, and ate breakfast. After that Nemuri took me to school and I began my first day.

Timeskip To Recess.

I walked outside and I saw some kids bullying a girl.

Bully: Hey Scarface what's wrong did your daddy take your allowance?

Bully2: Or did your mommy ground you.

The girl looked like she was about to cry so I stood up for her.

Y/N: Hey why are you harassing this poor girl?

Bully: Because she's a freak just look at the scar on her face.

Bully2: Yeah and she can control ice and fire.

Y/N: Wait so you're bullying her for the way she looks, and she has a better quirk than you?

Bully: Yeah I guess.

Bully2: Why do you care?

Girl: Hey don't get involved, they'll bully you too.

Y/N: I don't care what happens to me. But if you're calling her a freak because she's more powerful than you, then I'm a freak too.

Bully2: You're not more powerful than us just look at you, you look like you couldn't hurt a fly.

I was getting a little pissed.

Y/N: Oh well I control 2 elements as well Fire and Lightning now unless either of you want to get fried I suggest you leave us "freaks" alone.

I said as I was emitting both elements from my hands. The Black flames and purple lightning scared them off. Then I turned towards the girl, but when I did I felt her arms wrap around me.

Girl: Thank You.

Y/N: Yeah it's nothing I'm just doing what a hero would do. Besides us freaks gotta stick together right?

Girl: Yeah... I'm Sakura Todoroki.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you Todoroki, I'm Y/N L/N but call me Y/N I prefer it that way.

Sakura: Then call me Sakura.

Y/N: Alright.

Then the bell rang signaling for us to go to class. I take Sakura by the hand and we walk to class together.

Sakura's P.O.V.

When he held my hand it felt like time slowed down. I looked up at him and he was smiling at me like the bully's weren't even there, like nothing happened.

4th Year.

Me and Y/N were walking home from our first day of our 4th year classes. But throughout the day whenever I looked over at him he wasn't smiling or any of his normal facial expressions. He seemed sad and In my 4 years of knowing him I've never seen or heard of him being sad.

Sakura: Y/N?

Y/N: Sakura.

Sakura: Are you ok Y/N?

He looks down, sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Y/N: Was it really that noticeable?

Sakura: Yeah there were 3 big giveaways for me. The first one being that you haven't called me Saku in the past week. The next one being whenever I looked at you you haven't been smiling. The final and probably the biggest one I noticed during gym you were the last one to come out of the locker room, and when you came out the areas around your eyes were red.

Y/N: That's one of the reasons I like you Saku, nothing ever gets past you.

I started blushing and looked away from him for a second.

He likes me? Wait no not important right now. Y/N needs my help, he's always been there for me now it's time to be there for him.

Sakura: Y/N it's ok you can talk to me. Let's go to our spot.

I said holding his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. Both of us were blushing.

Y/N: A-Alright Saku.

We went to our spot at Y/N's camping site for whenever we decide to just get away from it all. There were 2 tents one was mine it was a blue like hut kind of tent, the other's Y/N's it was a F/C hunting tent. When we got to the campground I lit the campfire and we sat down.

Sakura: Ok we're here now lay it on me N/N.

Y/N: So you know how Nemuri and I go out to a field so I can have enough room for me to use my quirk to the fullest extent?

Sakura: Yeah.

Y/N: Well Last week after we trained and hung out together I had to go to the field so I could take a break this week. After we trained we went to get some take out for our dinner. When we got home I saw my mother dead in a pool of her own blood on the ground.

I saw him start to tear up and after hearing what happened to him I hugged him tightly.

Sakura: I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I was tearing up to.

Y/N: Don't be it wasn't your fault. But I wasn't finished. I also saw my moms adversary there, I was fueled with anger, sadness, and revenge. At the time I didn't give a shit about what happened to him, I was seeing red and I didn't even know what happened until Nemuri calmed me down. When I saw what I did I was mortified his body wasn't even there only Ashes were there.

He was just full out sobbing at this point and I was just trying to keep my cool for him.

Y/N: Sakura I killed someone. Now I'll understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.

When he said that I slapped him across the face because I was so mad that I started full out crying now.

Sakura: Do you know how many times I screwed up and you haven't left me. What kind of friend would I be if I left you in your time of need? Y/N I love you and I won't leave you until you get rid of me. Now I'm going to go to sleep I my tent and I'll see you in the morning.

I started to walk off but then Y/N grabbed my hand. I look back at him and he had tears in his eyes more than he did before. Then he pulled me into a hug.

Y/N: Sakura I love you too thank you, for not leaving me.

I hugged him back.

Sakura: Yeah it's nothing. Like I said I won't leave you until you get rid of me. Besides as you once said to me. "Us freaks got to stick together right?"

He started laughing for a bit.

Y/N: Yeah we do. Saku I'm not gonna leave you until you get rid of me.

Sakura: Well N/N looks like we're stuck with each other forever.

Y/N: Yeah I guess we are. I'll see you in the morning.

Sakura: Yeah.

Then we went our separate tents and went to sleep.

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