Lance | 1253w

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  I slowly set Calen down, making sure he's standing steadily near the wall. I feel myself practically quivering with rage as I turn to Bradley again. His eyes widen when mine shimmer blue for a moment. "Did you know this would happen?" I ask, barely keeping my voice level.

  Bradley steps back, holding his hands up in a non-threatening manner. "No! I mean I knew they might try som-" he's cut off by me shoving him hard into the wall hard enough to dent it. I feel my eyes shimmer blue again as I fight to control myself.

  "Did. You. Know?" I snarl, stalking closer to him.

  He shakes his head frantically. "No, I swear!" he seems to calm slightly when I stop advancing toward him, though my fists are still trembling with barely contained rage. I don't even care about my house much, I have nothing of value in it, but the fact they even did this without solid evidence is a betrayal.

  I stand still, my whole body tensed, until I feel hesitant fingers wrap around my forearm. I automatically jerk my arm away, immediately regretting it when Calen flinches away from me.

  I coo gently and reach out, pausing when he flinches again. My fingers hover a few inches from his cheek, and only when he pushes his face forward towards them do I move again. I brush my hand over his cheek, then around to cup his neck and pull him into my embrace.

  His hood has fallen off at some point, but I can't bring myself to care. I hear Bradley step away from the wall, then gasp softly when he sees Calen's ears. I wearily look up at him, feeling drained after our little spat.

  "Tell anyone and you know what will happen," I say, waiting for his nod before looking back to Calen. "It's okay. We can go to my apartment in town. I'm nod angry. I'll keep you safe okay?" I whisper into Calen's ear, noting his shiver and the cute way he nods against my chest.

  I pick him up from behind his knees, forcing him to wrap his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I let out a breath, glancing over to Bradley who is staring at my trashed house, seemingly in shock. He feels me looking and meets my gaze.

  "Lance I... I really didn't think they would do this. I would've told you if I did," he sounds more serious than his usual cheerful teasing, his eyes holding mine resolutely.

  I sigh and start toward my door. "I know. Come on, we'll talk somewhere else."

  Before I can step out he grasps my arm to hold me back. "They're probably watching this place, meaning they know we're here. Do you have any other exits?"

  I hold his gaze for a short moment, then turn on my heel and march into my kitchen. I look into the already trashed cupboard, crouching down to yank a few removable shelves out of it. I've never had to use this exit before, so I haven't really kept it open.

  Once everything is out of my way I fumble for a moment as my fingers roam the corners for the inset button I know is there. Once I find and press it, the left side of the cupboard floor pops up and I grab it, hauling it out and tossing it aside with the rest of the shelves.

  I set Calen aside, then peer down into the darkness. The metal ladder hasn't rusted yet, as it was built the same time as my house, three years prior. I retrieve a flashlight from one of the wrecked drawers, shining it down the hole to make sure nothing is there. It's clear, and nobody will see us leaving either.

  I specifically designed this room to have a blind spot here. No matter what window you stood at, you couldn't see us right now. Whether it's cupboards next to the window, or a well-placed plant, this is a blind spot. They will assume we came here simply to not be seen, they couldn't know about the escape route.

  I turn to Calen and grab one of his hands to hold in both of mine. "Follow directly behind me, okay?"

  He nods a bit shakily, seeming almost dazed. I let out a breath, glancing again down into the ominous darkness. I can totally do this. No problem.

  As soon as I slide through the hole and onto the ladder, I realize there's a problem. I continue down despite it though, figuring I'll think of something on the way out.

  The apartment in town I mentioned, is actually my hideout. Nobody but me knows where it is, and it occurred to me that even though Calen seems really oblivious as a kitten, he couldn't miss all the stuff in my hideout.

  I watch Calen climb down the ladder rather quickly, then hop easily off the last step. His ears flick nervously, and when he rests a hand over his stomach I know it's because his tail is there. I wait impatiently for Bradley, who takes a few seconds to place the cupboard floor back in place, sealing us into the dark.

  I click my flashlight on, hold Calen's hand, and we set off down the tunnel. It's mostly dirt, but with reinforcement beams placed all around. I would be carrying Calen again except that I know the dirt floor has nothing he could get hurt on. I silently curse myself for not remembering to get him shoes while we were still in my house.

  But where am I going to take him? I technically could take him to my hideout but there's so much evidence there. The only other place I own is in a whole different city, so that's not an option.

  Calen grasps my hand a little tighter, and it takes me a moment to realize I'm shaking slightly. I decide I've done enough thinking for now, and should focus more on avoiding a panic attack. Cramped, dark spaces and I don't really agree. Thankfully the grip Calen has on my hands seems to be keeping me grounded in the here and now.

  I don't know how long we've been walking in silence, but it must be a good ten minutes or more before I see the end of the tunnel. Calen and Bradley follow close behind me as I hurry to the second ladder. I can't help my eagerness to be out of this place, to escape from this constricting feeling.

  I hand the flashlight to Bradley, who shines it up the ladder while I climb it. I enter a code next to the small door, shoving on it experimentally, then heaving it all the way open when I find it moves.

  I inhale deeply, sighing in relief at the fresh air. I hadn't realized just how tight my chest was until now. I hurry to climb all the way out, then reach in and help Calen as he crawls out onto the grass. The tunnel exit is on the side of a smallish house I bought, then promptly rented out anonymously.

  Bradley is last, and flops onto the ground while I close the door tightly again, hearing it lock behind us. Only then do I stand up and turn away from the house, looking at the empty sidewalks.

  Well, they would be empty if my fellow villain Jodie wasn't standing there watching us.

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