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Third PoV:

It was now Monday. Stiles woke up at 4:30 and was excited. He decided to go out for a run. Around the town. Once he got back he got a shower.

He gets out and just looks at his torso. It was littered with scars.

The one above his heart from Newt. Long ones from getting scrapped. A bullet scar on his stomach from Janson. And just a bunch more...Every where! His back, arms, legs, and his chest was the worst. Yes, he had some before but not this many.

And then his Tattoo on his collarbone. "Mandy". He actually just got it on his run...

He walks back to his room to put on a light blue sweatshirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. And finally a pair of basic combat boots that are great for running. He grabbed his backpack and was about to leave the door...

"Okay you got this Thomas. Gotta answer to Stiles. Gotta be funn-...meh be sad today. Just this once." Thomas told himself. And he went out of his door. His dad long gone. He got into Roscoe and drove to school.

Once he arrived he saw the pack. They were at the front waiting for him. He sighed. He Turned Roscoe off and got out. Walked over to the group, yet they didn't see him, or hear him.

"And that is what happened when she pushed me!" Lydia said complaining about some bitch.

"Who pushed you? Sorry pretty much missed the whole story." Thomas said making the group stare at him.

"Stiles! You sly bitch!" Malia yelled but sniffed him..."why do you smell of blood and ink?"

"A pen exploded on me this morning. And I have no idea about the blood part." Thomas says. He keeps his heart rate steady.

"What were you doing with a pen? You usually use highlighters." Scott laughed

"Well I had to sign something." Thomas stated. All he got was a nod from the group. They got to another conversation that Thomas didn't pay any attention to. And then the bell rang for class.


"Stiles are you excited for gym next period? I know how much you like to run!" Malia joked to Stiles/Thomas. He Just smiles. Thomas was actually excited to run, He was gonna surprise a lot of people.

"So Stiles, what's new?" Lydia says trying to flirt. Thomas doesn't pick up on it tho.

"N-nothing much..." Thomas says not really understanding why she asked. Lydia just looks at Thomas, a smirk, flirty one at that. Then she sees the almost dark bags under his eyes.

"Wait Stiles, When was the last time you got a good night sleep?" Lydia asked concerned.

"I actually had one Sunday. Why?" Thomas asked curiously.

"You look really tired..." Lydia states.

"Well getting back into this whole school thing is tough." Thomas states as the Bell rings.


Thomas didn't want to change, but he had to. He took his sweatshirt off, hiding in the lockers. He puts a long sleeve shirt on and some sweatpants.

But he didn't realize Scott saw his collar, clear as day. "Mandy".

"Who the fuck is Mandy?" Scott asked himself "So thats why he smells like Ink. The boy who is scared of needles got a tattoo on his collar bone. And a random name of all things. And were those scars? What happened to him?"

They walked up to the field. it was time to do suicide runs. Thomas smirks. They all start running. Thomas thinks to himself:"Look at these Shanks! There form is awful! yes I am at the back but I am pacing myself. Ah, The days I would run the glade with Mandy. Those were the best days. Just me and her. Wish she was here right now." Then it was like out of no where, everyone stopped running.

"The box!" Thomas said out loud. The people looked at him weird.

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