19. Friends

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The Cafeteria was busy as usual. Ariana was standing with a tray full of fish n chips and looking around for an empty table.

Had it been a week ago, she would have dumped the food into dustbin and walked out. But today, she went and sat on a table occupied by a bunch of girls. However, she didn't attempt to speak to any of them. Neither did they. They left shortly.

"Were you always this timid?" asked Saoirse, annoyed.

"People have already formed groups during their first semester. It is extremely difficult for me to fit in now. So, stop being so rude." Ariana snapped.

"Ugh..." Saoirse rolled her eyes. "Anyways, when are you going to let me out again?"

"This weekend. We're going on a hike with Dwight."

"Okay. Thanks." Saoirse sighed in relief. "Now stop playing with your food and eat it!"

"You're so bossy..." Ariana whined.

"Well one of us has to be strong."

"I am strong. And I have already started making friends. Didn't you see yesterday?"

Saoirse snorted. "Yeah. When you mispronounced that poor boy's name."

"And I don't think he wants to be your friend only." She chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ariana scrunched her nose.

"Oh look, it's him..."

Ariana saw Sean walking with his friends. He was saying something to them when she caught his eyes and gave him a small smile. Sean gave her a big smile in return and started walking towards her.

"...and now he's coming here." Saoirse sounded excited.

"For your information, I can see too."

Saoirse scoffed. "Okay, so see how handsome he's looking today-"

Sean sat on the chair opposite to her and put his tray on table. "Hey."


"Remember me?" He teased.

"Obviously." Ariana took a sip of water.

"What's my name then?" There was a smug look on his face.

"I just happened to forget his name once. He doesn't need to be cocky about it." Ariana rolled her eyes. After returning from the pub yesterday, she had finally remembered what had happened at the parking lot.

"I don't seem to know." Ariana shook her head as she faked ignorance. "I've seen you around here but I don't recall your name." She put emphasis on the word "seen".

Sean clenched his jaw. Ariana smirked a little seeing his reaction.

One thing about Sean, he was tired of his name being mispronounced and hated anyone who did that.

 "...but this is Ariana I'm talking to." He reminded himself.

"Oh really?" He faked a smile. "You can call me Sean." He put his hand forward for a handshake.

Seeing him struggle to put up a front and maintain his fake smile, Ariana chuckled.

This melted Sean's annoyance instantly.

"I go by Ariana." She took out her hand from pocket to shake it. "But you can call me Ari."

Sean coughed to hide a grin that was forming on his face.

"Well, I don't have a nickname." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Give some time. We shall find you one." 

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