Rivers and Footsteps

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Shortly after Snape's passing, Voldemort's amplified voice projected itself upon the students at Hogwarts. It was louder and piercing this time, and Hermione immediately dropped to her knees, covering her ears with the palms of her hands. Though Ellie wanted to do the same, she crouched beside Hermione and clutched the sides of her girlfriend's head, bringing it to her chest in a protective embrace.

"You have fought valiantly... but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste," Voldemort echoed. "I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity."

Hermione whimpered as she tried to block out the voice, her eyebrows upturned in fear. Ellie continued to embrace her, whispering words of reassurance so that Hermione didn't hear him.

"Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor," the voice continued as Harry looked to the sky. "Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this... I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me."

The voice stopped, and Ellie reassured her girlfriend it was safe to uncover her ears. The Hufflepuff helped Hermione up slowly, immediately embracing her, her arms flung over the Gryffindor's shoulders.

It was quiet, and not one of the friends dared to speak. After the lovers finished their embrace, the quartet began making their way back onto the grounds. Hermione and Ellie walked hand in hand, their expressions full of worry as they noticed the weight Harry carried.

They entered the deserted courtyard, walking down the long aisle to the Great Hall. The castle was in ruins, and the rubble was strewn across the ground. Small fires were the only source of light in the dark setting, its raging blazes illuminating the blood splattered on the rocks.

"Where is everybody?" Hermione questioned as they neared the massive doors.

Ron pushed the doors open, revealing the misery inside. A small number of survivors sat in various places, awaiting for treatment to their wounds from a frantic Madam Pomfrey. Professors sat on the sidelines, comforting distraught students despite their injuries. The worst part of the room were the bodies. Dozens of fallen defenders laid upon the floor as their loved ones crouched over them, grieving their losses. The remainder of the able students aided in transporting the bodies, their emotions seeming to be drained from their faces. It was horrifying, yet the quartet advanced slowly.

Ron strode in front of them, halting immediately as he saw his family hovering over a fallen red-head. Ron was immediately embraced by one of the twins, his tears drenching his shoulder.

Ellie moved aside to get a better view of who laid there, Molly clutching onto the corpse with shaking sobs. She recognized the body, causing Ellie to let go of Hermione's hand as the Hufflepuff stared at Fred in shock. Ellie started to feel her throat tighten, and her heart shattered at the sight of the lifeless Weasley.

Ellie turned on her heel and ran out of the Great Hall with stumbling steps, leaving everyone behind. The rest of the group stood there, Hermione distraught over which party to comfort first. Hot tears ran down Ellie's cheeks, blurring her vision. She wanted to get away from the wretched room as far as she could. Yet, her feet stopped her just outside the Great Hall, the open doors behind her. Ellie's knees gave out underneath her, causing her to fall to to the rubble, her knees slashed open from the shards of broken windows. Ellie sank down, bringing her head in despair as her body shook, violent sobs overtaking her.

"P-Please... Fred..." Ellie croaked, her chest tightening as the image of his corpse re-entered her mind. "Freddie... Tell me this is a prank... Please..."

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