N i n e t e e n

795 35 28

~ Vincent ~

"What's your favorite subject, dude?" Emil asked me as we were settled on the sofa.

Today's session with Mrs.Lilly was completed but she had to go somewhere important that's why she asked me to babysit the big boy Emil - his words.

Emily wasn't at home because she went shopping with Skyler as per the information spilled by Emil.

"I don't know. I don't have any favorite subject." I replied honestly.

Studying alone makes me want to rip my hair out, but I kept that confession to myself.

"You don't?" He asked in disbelief. "Everybody has a favorite subject."

"Well,..  we all are unique in our own way." I retorted.

He bit his tongue as if he had a good comeback, but he didn't voice it out.

"Well, I do have a favorite sub, and it is Math. And y'know, as I've done a lot of problems regarding it, I'm quite bored with that subject. So you get the lucky chance to do my homework. How does that sound?" He completed it with an innocent grin.

I knew better than to believe it.

"Ah, so that's why you were so interested in my favorite subject. I see." He realised that I saw through his little white lie.

He ran a hand through his messy hair, making it even messier. "Yeah."

"So would you do it for me?" He asked again.

It was fun to play with him, and now was the best time for it.

"No." I replied coldly.

He looked offended as if nobody had rejected him like that. That may be true because he's too adorable to reject.

"Whyyy?" He whined.

"What would I get in return?" I challenged him.

Honestly, I didn't want anything in return, but as I was bored out of my mind, I might as well pass some time like this.

"Hmm..." He tapped his finger on his chin, thoughtfully. "I'll give you chocolates."

"I don't want chocolates." I answered, suppressing my smile.

He frowned, "Who doesn't want chocolates? Okayy Cap, what do you want then?"

"Cap?" I asked confusedly.

Now, what type of nickname is that?

"Yeah, Cap, in short of Captain America." He replied.

"Why would you call me that?" I asked.

"Cap is my favorite Avenger, and I find your character similar to him. That's why." He grinned.

"But I like Thor." I replied.

"You do? Even Emily's fav is Thor. It's sad that you're on her side and not mine." He pouted.

"Well, it's okay. Cap is nice. And what were we talking about earlier?" I reminded him.

"Oh yeah, the deal." He mumbled.

He grinned mischievously at me, "I'll tell you more about Emily and her secrets."

And why would I want to know that?

But it was too late. Due to my lack of immediate response and his desperation to complete his homework, he thought it was a deal and rambled on.

"Emily Heartwood was born on 26th April. Her favorite color is blue. Her favorite food is chicken roll. Her hobby is baking. Her crush is unknown. She has never had a boyfriend, and the reason for that too is unknown. She turns down every other guy without even thinking twice. The guy who goes to our church is still heartbroken due to her friend-zoning him." He took a deep breath. "And y'know what? She owns a cute fluffy teddy bear and sleeps with it every night. I have even caught her talking to it once. But, she doesn't let me touch Icebell. Is it fair?"

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