Chapter 2

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"Well if you knew that she is so dangerous Exactly why did you cheat on her?" Alice finally started registering Mason's words "She didn't want to have a kid with me so I came to you and stop blaming me you knew I was married so you are just as guilty as I am."-----"well you could have mentioned the fact that you are married to one of the most powerful women in the world, Lia could kill me and get away with it you know that!" "Alice relax, she wont kill you that is just too easy for her to do" he said while casually looking at her already panicked face then he chuckled "I'm just joking Lia would never kill anyone no matter what you did to her she'll probably do something then she'll disappear and she would never kill an entire human being let alone a pregnant one"

"I kinda forgot I was pregnant for a second there, so be honest if I wasnt pregnant would you still be with Lia right now?">"Yes but I wouldn't be happy sometimes I thing she just married me for my money" He said as rage consumed his entire being "I highly doubt that Mason, she has her own company and last time I checked her company is the one lending you funds not the other way so if anyone should think someone is a gold digger that right belongs to Lia, because you got married she funded your company and then you cheated on her and got someone else deserve an award Mason" she said with a light chuckle " okay seriously Alice whose side are you on? mine or Lia's?-----"I'm not on anyone's side I'm just telling you the hard truth."

A few days later.......

Lia was sitting in her office thinking about everything that had happened a few days has already leaked to the media and the tabloids are all blowing up with a new theory on why the Giovanni-Cruz partnership has withered without an explanation....while Lia has decided to withdraw funding from Giovanni Inc. Mason is trying to find a way to stop her rampage...but its only just began

A few days after she found out about Alice and Mason Lia seized the house and half of all of Mason's cars then she had a board meeting to officially withdraw the funds from the Giovanni's which led to Mason's Dad coming to visit her office she remembers being notified that her soon to be ex father-in-law was coming to her company and she just froze as she didn't know what to say to him.

Zeke Giovanni is nothing less of the definition of 'forever young' the man was in his late 50s but he looked better than some 20 year olds......starting Giovanni Inc. is one of his many accomplishments---she was sure  that he wasn't going to let his son ruin that. only a select few had seen Zeke Giovanni in person and although Lia always loved Mason's parents she was pretty sure this visit wasn't for her to enjoy at all.......she was no longer Lia Giovanni she is and always will be Lia Cruz and this visit was strictly business.

she was snapped out of her train of thought when a knock was heard on her door and her assistant and sister walked in Miranda Cruz, Lia's only sister even though their father wanted the all his children to share his wealth equally Lia took over the company while Miranda chose to work under her sister instead as Damien didn't want anything to do with the company. Miranda walked in with a slightly angry expression plastered on her face and then she said "Mr. Giovanni is here, Lia are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes I wanna hear what sorry excuses he has for me today"

Instagram: _taonga_11

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