10. Oh, That Boy! (Em)

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   Oh, that boy!

   He's driving me crazy.

   I've known him just for two days, but I can say with absolute certainty that I want him. I was fully aware of the fact in the very second he slid on my lap and buried his tearful face in my chest yesterday. 

   I've never met anyone as fragile and sweet as him before.

   His plump, pink lips glistened like ripe cherries every time he flicked his tongue over them. I'm sure he was born specifically for the purpose of someone kissing them till they become blood red and sour. It was a torture to restrain myself and behave decently.

   His dark brown, almond shaped eyes were sexy as hell, shining with tears. I was filled with the wicked desire to make him cry more, so that I can wallow in the sensation of soothing him and wiping his wet lashes.

   His silky soft hair emitted chocolate milk scent. It was pure bliss to run my fingers through his pink locks.

   If I didn't feel him, warm and trembling in my arms, I would've thought that I was in an anime movie and this was the cute protagonist, appearing in a weird, but wonderful dream.

   He was so sweet. I would've cuddled him the whole day, if I had the chance. I would've pinched his soft cheeks hard and then kiss them like crazy.

   His skin, his body, his hands, everything in him was smooth and dainty.

   Today he's different, really posh. His well-formed legs, outlined by the skinny jeans, almost make me cry. If I could make him wrap them round my waist, I would be able to... 

   Whoa, easy boy! Untamed fantasies are no good for someone standing in the middle of a hallway, full of people in a pair of super tight leather pants, especially when everybody is gazing. It might get spicy.

   It's difficult to change the course of my thougts, though. Sunny is really seductive. Even his name, rolling on my tongue, makes my skin tingle. The best part is that he's totally unaware about it. His delicate, shy nature leaves him clueless. And this draws me wildly to him.

   But there's even more. I can sense something deeper. It intrigues me and makes me want to gain his trust and make him blow wide open for me, revealing everything that he is. I want to see all of him, every single bit.

   It's clear to me, however, that he's quite guarded. Although, it's obvious that he's attracted to me, I also intimidate him. If I approach him directly, he'll surely shy away and possibly reject me out of fear. I have to let him come to me on his own. I'll wait no matter how long it takes.

   I want him to belong to me.

   And whatever they think about it, Jamie and Lucky are going to help me.

   I know that Jamie's in. He liked Sunny at first sight. The kind and sympathetic person he is, I'm sure he already feels protective of him. 

   But Lucky is something else. He needs more than a pretty face and sweet demeanor to let someone closer. He's definitely still pouting because I made them skip the rehearsal with the band and stay till the end of the lectures. I bet he'll make me pay, one way or another. Music is his number one priority and he doesn't like it when other things distract him. He can be a stubborn, malicious bastard when things are not going his way. 

   It was necessary, though. I couldn't stay myself, and without them there, Sunny and Emma would've been sucked in a whirlwind of nosy interrogations. He could've panicked again. I couldn't let this happen.

   It's almost twelve thirty and the excitement makes me impatient. I'm standing in the hallway, in front of the lecture hall exit, tapping my foot on the floor. I can't wait to see him.

   I've been so bored the whole last year.

   When I and my boys came to study here, it was fun in the beginning. I immediately became center of attention because of my looks and the band. We were always surrounded by people who admired us and I liked it. It was time of endless parties, wild road trips and sex. We were having the time of our lives. Jamie and Lucky still are, I think, but me not anymore. 

   Gradually I started to understand that no one was sincere. People either wanted my body, or the thrill of doing something bold and unconventional. Some gravitated around just for the purpose of bragging later for being close to me. No new friendship seemed genuine.

   The gossip frenzy crossed all possible boundaries. People did not only discuss my life, but made up outrageous stories about the three of us. As much fun as it was to mock at their absurdity, I felt that they started getting at me. 

   Eventually, I got fed up with everything. I focused only on music and backed away from the crowd. 

   I still throw wild parties from time to time and provoke the public with my performances but it's more of an image than something that really makes me happy. It kind of feels rehearsed and insincere. I only keep my boys close now and don't want anyone else to mess around and bother me anymore. But I've been so bored lately. It seemed I had lost my vibe.

   Until yesterday.



Hello everyone who reached the end of Chapter 10.

Isn't Em just outrageous, already wanting to own Sunny just for himself? 😁

Did you like him?

He'll surprise us all, I assure you.

Thank you so much for reading and voting! ❤

Share your thoughts, ask questions and criticize if you feel like.

See you in the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote, if you liked the story.

Love: Anny 

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