Chapter 4

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It was chilly tonight, the wind crest between my legs and arms. But it doesn't bother me because my heart was pounding at the thought of Tyler touching me...It made me angry. He thinks he can just...Just...Just!!
I don't even know what he did...all he told me was he moved on and he has a life now. And what am I doing? Going to college is something I guess...but after that what then?
Yes, I'll spend a lot of time looking for a job but they'll probably reject me so many times. And if I do have a family I won't have enough money because it'll take me years to find a job. Then if I get a man...what if he's just like Tyler...
Do I have a life?
I eventually reach the old, public playground. I sit on one of the rusted swings, it croaks as if no one sat in it in ages. I sigh and look down at my hands.
I push the swing back and let go giving it a small swing.
Back and forth
Back and forth
"Hello there sweetheart~"
The next swing to me creaks i jerk my head to see a tall man sitting next to me. His hair was the color of Silver jewels and his eyes were a deep Purple almost like a wilted rose. Each of his muscles shown thru his Trench coat he wore. On top of his silver lox's was a black fedora. His black tall boots dig into the soft dark sand. He looks familiar...
"Umm hi..." I mumble turning my gaze away from the hot stranger, my cheeks felt warm and tingly.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing out her~?" I felt his hand take mine and kiss it lightly, his kiss was warm as well as his hand. Charming.
"..." I said nothing trying to not look at him, he gave me a weird vibe.
"Pretty and shy? Heh heh~" He let's go of my hand, disappointment came into my body when his hand left mine. "I get it I get it Stranger Danger~ well at least take a rose from the stranger eh~?"
I look at him he was not holding two roses a Red and A Blue. "Perhaps the Red one~? You know since it matches your Dress and all~"
I look at them both he was hesitant about the blue one, the hand that was holding the Blue one was slowly fleeing. Perhaps he was antsy about matching and mismatching, he was right the red would match the dress.
"I'm sorry but I don't know you..." I stood and start to walk away from him.
In a blink of an Eye he was now in front of me, "Please I insist." He holds it out, "I don't bite nor will the rose." His voice softens like silk.
I look at his face, his face was smiling kindly yet it was off.
"Fine..." I sigh and just as I Said Fine he was putting the rose behind my ear. My cheeks flare up and I look away.
"Now that the rose is out of my hands and you chose freely....." I look up at him in confusion but soon it turn into fear, his skin turns pale and his face features disappear except his mouth, which was a large smirk with large sharp teeth, he was larger than a human both muscular as height. "I see the dress fits nice Y/N~" His hand crest my cheek, "I'm OM~ Or Offenderma-"
Before I let him finish his sentence I slap his hand away and book it.
It was that creep from earlier today! And to top it off Offenderman!! Offenderman!!!
The man of fucking then killing women!
"Damn it~ Come on Y/N~!" I heard his heavy footsteps running towards me, "Can't run for a long time~ you'll get tired~" He tease me.
I should've wore the right bra now my tits hurt.
I ran on the street my apartment complex was, I suck in some air getting ready to slide in. Unfortunately.....he teleports in front of me with 4 white tentacles flaring.
"Y/N can't out run me~"
I stop in place looking for a way around him while he steps forward, each step there was a thud.
I look to my left to see an ally way, ether Offenderman....or creepy know a night of sex would be nice on the other hand death....
Sighing, I take my high heals off, "Giving in I see~?"
"Nope." I run thru the ally dodging Trash cans, cats and glass shards.

Offender POV

Shit...Shit Shit shit!! Of all the places to run why the forest?! Especially when it's my brothers territory!
I teleport into the forest searching quickly, she couldn't have gone that fast!


I heard his yell my name but I shook it off running. At this point I didn't care if I got lost or not just as long as I don't get raped and killed.
Trees dashing pass by me, I start seeing symbols on the trees. A circle with an X thru it....up ahead I saw a humongous Mansion. I stop myself from getting any closer then lean on a tree while panting. Where am I....something snap behind me. Grabbing a heavy dead branch, I held it up like a baseball bat getting ready to swing it hard. There was nothing behind me, where did it come from?
"Well aren't you a beauty Red riding hood~"
I jerk my head up in the trees to see a a pale man with a smile that has slits on ear corner of his mouth and his eyes were bloodshot.
The white hoody, black hair, cuts and knife gave it was Jeff the killer.

Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora