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A/N: Sorry for the slightly late update. I was outside and I forgot to post the new chapter a little earlier.

They all walked to the gate and the tension in the air was unbelievable. A lot of people were scared and some even tried to leave. Marie however was just leaning against the wall. She didn't want to get involved with anyone's problems. 

"I get that they're scared but we can't always hide from the Titans..."

"ATTENTION!" Someone on top of the walls said. 

Marie got sucked out of her thoughts by this loud voice.

"That must be Dot Pyxis... And the one next to him is... Eren?" 

"I shall now explain the plan to retake Trost!" Pyxis started. "For this mission, our objective is to seal the hole where the wall was destroyed! Let me introduce you to the one that will seal the hole for us! From the trainee corps, Eren Yeager!"

Eren stepped in and saluted.


"He's the result of a top-secret project to turn humans into Titans! He can create and control the body of a Titan!"

"Yeah... Those who were there when Eren came out of the Titan know that this isn't true..."

"Eren will become a Titan, pick up the giant boulder at the shattered gate, carry it over, and seal the hole! Your job will be to protect Eren from the Titans while he moves the boulder!"

"So the main objective for us soldiers is to protect Eren from the Titans. I assume that the strongest soldiers need to be the closest to Eren. I've heard enough."

With that Marie left the whole crowd and she walked into the alleyway but then she felt a hand grabbing her shoulder. She turned around and saw her captain from before.

"Seems like you already know what needs to be done." He said.

Marie nodded.

"Let me get straight to the point. You need to join the elites in this mission. We need your skill to protect Eren from the Titans."

Marie grabbed her notebook.

"I already suspected something like that. That probably means that Mikasa will join as well right?"

"Yeah. You need to get on top of the wall now. That's where your team is waiting." 

Marie saluted and walked towards the wall.

By the time she got to the wall, the operation had already started. Pyxis was waiting for her with the Elites, Mikasa, and Eren behind him.

"Great, now that we're all complete, let's start the operation!" Pyxis shouted and everyone got into action.

They ran on top of the wall to the place where the boulder was.

"A top-secret human weapon, was it? As long as you can seal that hole, it doesn't matter. Our priority is to protect you." The squad captain said.

No one of the elites was having faith in Eren. They thought of him as a brat.

"And how is the other girl going to help? She hasn't said a word and looks way too fragile to fight." The tallest member of the squad said.

"Maybe because I'm unable to. And what does it matter if I look fragile. With this attitude, you'll be Titan food."

"Marie can't speak sir. She's unable to." Eren said.

Mute AckermanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora