(8) HoloTako

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Hm? Ina?

Aki: Yo! Ina! Watcha' up to? No stream today?

Ina: Hm? Ah, Aki, No. I'm done for the day.

I sat next to Ina at the cafeteria.

Aki: I heard from Tomoe that you went to their school yesterday?

Ina: yep! I promised the principal I'd visit.

Aki: oh? Is that so....oh yeah, thanks for helping out Tomoe. I heard you helped her with her letter?

Ina: oh. It was no problem, I only taught her the basics of making a letter...though I gotta ask....what is with this Amelia Onee-Sama business? (=v=)

Aki: *sigh* Tomoe thinks I'm gonna marry her or some shit. I swear I'm not into Goblins.

Amelia's Room


Chat: ..........ok.


Ina: Come now, She's not that bad?

Aki: What? Is that a question?

Ina: No?

Aki: ......You think she's a hell spawn too don't you?

Ina: .....yeaaaah....

Aki: haha...You know as much as I like to talk shit about Ame, She's really fun to hang around with. I think we can both agree on that?

Ina: Fufu, yeah. I wouldn't trade Ame for the world.

We both talk for a while in the cafeteria.

Motoaki: nn? Ah, Aki-Kun, Ina-San, May I have a word with you?

Aki: hm? Sup sensei?

Motoaki: Y'see I got these tickets for a movie but uh.....I'm kinda busy. SO! Why don't you two have a little date?

Aki: hm? A movie huh. Wanna go Ina?

Ina: I don't see why not.

Motoaki: Splendid. Well, Aki-Kun, I'll leave these to you.

He hands me the tickets.

Motoaki: *whisper* I hope you score some brownie points with Ina-San.

Aki: Eh?

Motoaki: well, I should be going now, I hope you two Young'uns have fun. 

Aki: mmm....Well Ina? Shall we?

Ina: Yeah. Let's go.


Aki: ah....Looks like we're a bit early.

Ina: Hmm...you say a bit...but we're 2 hours early.

Aki: mm...Wanna grab a bite to eat first?

Ina: Sure.

We head to a nearby restaurant.


Aki: Hey Ina, Do you love your job?

Ina was taking a sip out of her drink.

Ina: mm? Well that's sudden, why do you ask?

Aki: well it's just that, sometimes I still feel like my job is just a dream. Me, an average high schooler, somehow became "The World's #1 YouTuber" or something along those lines, and everyday....I really enjoy making something for millions of people to enjoy. SO! I was wondering if you feel any different.

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