chapter fifty one - slip of the tongue

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The carriage journey back to their house across town was a particularly awkward one. Aurora did not wish to say anything which might result in any more... uncomfort.

Eventually the carriage rolled to a halt outside of their new home and Anthony hopped down from it, offering her his hand.

Once she had departed the carriage, he stormed off toward the house, leaving her standing in the cold, confused and alone.

‘I thought he wished to speak with me?’ She questioned to herself. In truth, she ought to have been glad that he did not wish to address her slip of the tongue which had occurred during dinner. But something made her hope that he would.

Regardless, he seemed to have changed his mind entirely, so Aurora headed up to her own room and began changing for bed, with the help of her maid.

Once she had finally managed to escape her corset, Aurora sat down at the vanity and began the long and complicated task of brushing her hair.

She was still only a third of the way through when a sharp knock at the room broke her focus.

Placing the brush down on the ivory vanity, she called out to the knocker.

“Come in.”

Turning in her chair so that she might be able to see who the person was who had knocked so late, she was surprised to see the viscount enter her room, still clad in his formal wear.

It would appear he did wish to speak with her after all.

Painstakingly slowly, Anthony moved across the room until he reached the edge of her bed where he sat down at the very corner. He appeared to be going to some lengths to sit on as little of the bed as he could physically manage.

Had the air between them not been so teenage Aurora would have probably struggled to contain a laugh.

As it was, his rather serious face prevented any mirth between them.

“Can I help you, my lord?” She asked after a moment, thinking it was probably best to get the whole ordeal over with.

“Yes, actually Aurora you can. I promised you we would speak about... earlier. And I am not a man to break my word.”

Aurora blushed profusely and began declaring her regret at the words she had spoken.

“I did not mean it’s sir. In truth I do not know what came over me. I must have felt flustered by the heat of the room, or something like that, I-“

“Aurora!” Anthony half yelled, for she had become increasingly frantic in her manner of speaking. Her discomfort was clear to them both.


“You need not be quite so embarrassed. All you suggested was a kiss, albeit perhaps not in the most ideal of places, but still. We are husband and wife. Such things are no longer a crime.”

Despite his openness and attempts to console her, Aurora could not help but feel that there was a ‘but’ coming up soon.


‘Ah, there it is!’ She thought, chuckling internally.

“I’m not sure you quite understand how these kind of marital...” he struggled for the word, “...acts work. I’m not sure you realise the gravity of it and I think perhaps you should ask you mother or even Daphne before we go any further.”

The downfall of Viscount Bridgerton Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ