Bumps on the Locker Room

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It's Friday night. The first game of the season is about to commence in just a few more minutes.

Logan stands by his locker, his pants and shin guards on. The shirt and shoulder pads are still in the locker.

Steven is all set and placed on his left cleat, tying it tightly. Logan can't explain how exciting and nervous he's feeling right now. But then again, he's always nervous before a game.

A few guys are laughing and joking on a video Carter is showing them, intriguing the attention from the rest, especially Dylan. He nears the boys, realizing they're watching a video of a kid being bullied for being too feminine; according to them.

"Hey man, there's nothing funny about this video. It's repulsive that you guys would actually agree that it's ok for a kid to be bullied like that."

Carter holds the phone in his right hand and looks at Dylan, smirking and nodding his head away from him.

"Man, this kid deserved it. Plain and simple, alright? Serves him right for being a fag." The word creeps onto Dylan's blood, making it boil. He was just ready to turn and close his locker door and walk out to meet up with coach, just as they were asked to; but now, he was unsure how to react. All he knows is the blood in his veins is boiling with anger.

"You got something against gay people, asshole?" Dylan pushes past the guys and stares at Carter just inches away from his face. Dylan easily beats his height by three inches, making Carter look up.

"And what if I do? What the fuck do you care, man? What? You got a bitch of your own, or what?" Carter had always been the kind to speak his mind and getting into a bit too many quarrels for that loose tongue of his.

"What if I do? Are you gonna want to punch me as they did to that kid? Because believe me, I ain't gonna chicken out. I won't think twice about beating the shit out of your neglectful arrogant ass. I swear you're a fucking asshole Carter. I'm glad Emily realized what an asshole you were and dumped your ass." Dylan narrows his eyebrows, his hands fisted, and knuckles turn white.

Steven stands and presses his hand on Logan, who's ready to step in between them. "Nah, Dylan's got this man. He's right, Carter's an asshole. Maybe all he needs is a bit of an ass kick to get his ass straightened up." Logan clenches his jaw and looks towards the exit. Coach Mitchell stands by the door and gets called away by a student from the student council.

The conversation between Carter and Dylan heats up as teenage boys begin to circle around them. They begin making taunting noises as they ooh and mock both as they call each other out on needles sarcasm and hurtful words.

Carter takes a swing at Dylan, hitting him hard on his jaw and making him fall over from the bench behind him. Logan takes it as his cue to step in and holds his hand out to stop Carter from swinging at Dylan again, stopping Carter's fist in mid-air.

He holds his hand out to Dylan, and Dylan pushes it off, standing to his feet and swinging at Carter, hitting him right on his nose. Carter grabs his nose in pain, his eyes close and blood pours out from both of his nostrils from the impact of Dylan's punch.

Carter looks at him, mimicking the exact face Dylan portrays in his face, anger, and fury. Just as Carter is ready to swing, Dylan swings again but hits Logan on his jaw instead as he stands close to them both in the middle trying to stop them.

"Fuck." Logan yells as his face stings and his body twists slightly to the side. "Shit! Logan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to swing at you." Dylan apologizes and holds his hands out apologetically towards Logan.

"What the hell is going on in my locker? Logan, Carter, and Dylan, office now!" Coach yells at them as he sees them grip their jaw and nose.

They all glance at each other and furiously walk inside the office, sitting on a chair each as Coach Mitchell runs his hands across his face angrily and places his clipboard down on top of his desk.

"Explain. Now!" He says angrily and leans back on his chair.

"It was Dylan's fault coach. He started all this." Carter blurts out making Logan close his eyes in annoyance and leans down, placing his hands on top of his knees.

Dylan clenches his jaw and stands on his feet. "Bull shit Carter, you were the one who started all this shit. Not me."

Coach slams his hands on top of the desk and stands, pressing his hands on top of the desk and his body slightly over the desk. "Enough!" He yells as both Dylan and Carter had begun to argue again.

"Logan. What happened? And what the hell do you have to do with all this?" He looks at Logan and sits back down trying to remain calm.

"Coach. Dylan just defended himself. Carter was just being, Carter. I tried to stop them but got knocked one on my jaw by accident. Nothing more."

Coach runs his fingers on his temples, massaging them and closing his eyes.
"Carter, let me make this clear to you son. You cause one more fight on my locker or with any of your teammates, I will bench your ass for the rest of the season. Do I make myself clear?"

"But coach that's a whole load of crap. What about them? What about Dylan? He struck me too."

"That's because you were being a homophobic, judgemental asshole."

"Screw you Dylan, I-"

"Enough," Coach yells at them. Making both of them go silent. "Now. I don't care what you two are arguing about. You put those differences aside and get out there and play your heart out. There is more to this life than a little quarrel over the difference of our opinions boys. In here, you two are still a team, and if you can't work as a team, then, I don't need you in my team. Got it?"

Coach stands, walks towards the door, and grips the doorknob tight, opening the door.

"Now I mean it. You two better put that shit aside. Or I will bench you for the season. Got it?" He looks between them as they hang their head and exit the room. Logan stands and looks at coach.

"Good job stepping in Logan. But, next time, duck down faster. Before you get decked on the jaw again." He chuckles and makes Logan chuckle as well; he exists and quickly runs to finish getting ready for the game.


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