Chapter 20

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Dorothy's POV

"Get comfortable honey." Dad says pulling the blanket up to cover up my shoulders.

"I'm sorry I showed up unexpectedly." I whisper pulling the blanket closer to me.

"Don't worry kiddo." He sat down beside me. "Wanna tell me why you showed up three am at my door step? Not that I'm complaining."

"I had to get away." I whisper looking away.

"You can stay as long as you need." He pulled me into a comforting hug. "and you can tell me anything too."

I really wanted to but I couldn't. Dad really liked Grace and Matt or whatever their actual name. I don't think I can do this to him.

"I may not be as good as Midge or shelly but I don't think you'll just show up at my door because you needed to get away." He pointed out.

I look at the window not able to meet his gaze.



He's runs a mafia.

"Is everything okay?" Luca asked me.

I took a step back. "Don't come any closer." I warn trying to get away from him. He could be in the mafia for all I know.

"I'm not going to hurt you Dora." His face went pale when I kept moving back.

"I-I'll call the police." I search pocket for my phone. He steps aside and lets me go out from this place.

"Please don't do that Dora." He says backing away. "I would stay away."

I nod and run out to the elevator. I had to get out of here before I change my mind. I can't stay here anymore. I need to leave here for good. Everyone I thought was family just lied to my face.

I didn't realize I was speeding till I was stopped by an officer.  Great just what I need.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" He asked when I whined the window down.

"Yes." I say and wipe the tears that was overflowing. "Was I speeding?"

"No you weren't." He answered resting is hand on the hood of my car. "You aren't in a state to drive."

"What do you mean?" I say looking up at him. "I'm perfectly fine." 

"Yeah....I don't think so." He said unconvinced at what I said. 

Who am I kidding? I'm a mess. Nothing is ever okay. Nothing ever works for my good. I burst out on tears in front of the officer.

"I'm sorry." I look up at him. He hands me a handkerchief. I give a small smile and take it from him. "I'm not usually like this."

I spill out everything to him excluding the part that Ethan was a mafia don. It felt good letting out. 

"-and I'm so confused, everyone I came to love and trust were just lying to my face." I concluded.

"I've never heard a story so complicated." Harry confessed. I also learnt he has been a cop for three years. "Honestly I don't know what to do."

"I still love him." I blow my nose into the hankie. "If he showed up tomorrow I'll take him back. I need to get away from here."

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Harry asked looking concerned.

"Yes this is what I need." I say starting up my car. "I need to leave tonight."

"Good luck Dorothy." He smiles down at me. I hand him his hankie. "Oh no, you can keep it."

My face reddens in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'll get it washed and return it once I see you again."

He nods stepping away from the car to let me drive away. 

I was cautious on my speed I don't need to stop by another cop. I need  to get home to Liam. I need to leave this place.

I finally pull over at the parking lot. I need to leave this city. Yes. That what I need. Distance.

"Hey you're back." Charlie greeted once I stepped in. "Are you okay."

"Yes." I walk past him into the my bedroom. I pull out a suitcase from my closet and throw some cloths inside.

"Where are you going?" He asked looking at me pack hastily. 

"Away from here." I answered dumping more clothes into the suitcase. I need to get away for some time." 

"What did he do?" He asked instant knowing the person behind my actions.

"What didn't he do?" I yelled at Charlie. "I need to get away."

"I'll go pack some cloths for Liam." He walked out of the room.

I felt so bad for taking at my anger at him. I just need to escape this nightmare I'm in. I really do.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I say pulling my suitcase out from my room.

"It's okay." He said carrying Liam and pulling another suitcase. "When will you be back?"

"I'll be there for the wedding." I promised giving him a small smile.

Charlie helps me lock up my apartment and get my things in the car. I'm so lucky to have a friend like him. At least someone here doesn't lie.

"He's safe in his car seat." Charlie informs me as I walk to the drivers seat.

"Thank you so much." I pull him for a big hug. "I don't know what I'll do without you." I whisper to him.

"You are a strong woman Dorothy." He looks down at me. "Sometimes the strongest women just have to face their problems rather than running away."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just hope your making the right decision."


"I need space to think dad." I say looking back at him. "Don't worry about me."

"You're my daughter Dottie. I always worry about you love." He pulls me closer to his comforting embrace. "You will always be my little angel."

"I know." I let out a little chuckle.

"You know, your mother and I weren't so perfect." He said out of the blues.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You told my your love story was like a Disney story."

"Every story has a downfall." He points out. "Nobody is perfect. No story is perfect. What makes a story feel so perfect is the changes you add to it. Is this how you want your story to end?"

"Of course not." I half yelled. 

"Then start taking charge of your life." He say looking at the window. "So what if he did something wrong? He's human we all are. If you keep looking for that perfect man you want in him you'll be looking for ever. Everyone has flaws Dorothy. I'm not telling you to forgive him but to consider the fact that whatever he did is an act of humanity."

"How do you know it's about Ethan?" I asked shocked and equally touched by what he said.

"Your my little angel." He smiles a bit. "I can tell when your heartbroken."

"I love you daddy." I whisper closing my eyes resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you to my little angel."

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