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"Lana, Lana?" Riz whispered, shaking the girls shoulder lightly.

Lana didn't remember going to bed after Jordan and Kevin's argument, she'd smacked her head on the wall when she fell and blacked out.

As she came around, she was met with Riz's big brown eyes,

"You alright babe?" he asks, placing a hand on her back as she sat up.

"Never been better" she smiled, half sarcastically. The other half happy however, as he'd put in effort too see her so early in the morning.

However, Lana's half happiness barely lasted, as tears began to well in her eyes at the memories from last night. Riz instantly pulled her up onto Cory's bed, holding her tightly as she sobbed.

"Everything's going wrong Riz, i just want it to be right," the girl hiccuped, "i want to make it better for Jordan, for Cory, for everyone but i can't and i feel so useless"

Riz just lay there holding her, letting her spill her mind to him.

"I'm scared, Riz" she sniffed, earning a sad sigh from him.

"I know, i know your scared but i promise you i'm gonna be here the whole time, yeah?" Riz confirmed, one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist.

"Yeah" Lana sighed as she leaned in, connecting their lips. This wasn't like any kiss they'd ever shared, not like the quick one they shared to simply get rid of Alfie, or not like all the ones on their camping trip that they were too drunk to even remember the next day. This one was long, gentle, yet through that, Riz held an air of dominance about him that she loved and could not get enough of.

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted from her stomach where Riz had just placed his hand.

"Shit, sorry" Riz winced, pulling his hand away.

"No, no that's okay" she smiled through the pain, which actually mirrored the feeling of what she thinks getting stabbed multiple times in the abdomen feels like.

"Come on, let's get you ready."


"She looks so moody all the time"

"Ennit, your brother can do way better"

"Ha, tell me about it, even for him"

Alya and her friend were sat opposite Lana in health studies, she'd arrived late and since then she'd been sat alone with her hood on which was covering a big bruise on her neck, not talking to anyone.

"It's embarrassing really" Alya laughed, catching some other people's attention.

"Alya do you ever just shut up?" Lana snapped.

"Please, your just pathetic" Alya spat.

"Ah well we'll see who the pathetic one is won't we?" Lana yelled as she got out of her seat, slapping Alya clean across the face.

"I hear one more word out of you about me or my family and i swear i'll do a lot worse than a slap" she screamed in her face, before her teacher pulled her away, sending her to isolation.

Thankfully, Cory was also sat in isolation when Lana had arrived. They hadn't really spoke at all since what had happened, Cory really badly wanted to apologise for not stepping in, he just couldn't find the words.

Lana was boiling at this rate, she had picked what was possibly the worst hoodie for the situation. It was already thick however it also had a layer of fluff inside of it. She couldn't pull it down however, not if she wanted to help Kevin stay at home and not get in trouble. The boys needed him.

Suddenly, Mr Bell walked in, a disappointed look on his face.

"Not you both n all," he scoffed, "i've just had to tear your kid off Mr Simpson, he's refused to get in the shower after PE-"

"Sir just go easy on him, yeah?"

"Go easy on him? Cory are you mad, he's just nearly throttled a teacher, i mean what is going on, if your Dad wasn't raging yesterday he's gonna be now!"

Lana instantly tensed up at the last part, tears began filling up in her eyes, however neither of them noticed.

"What you don't think he was mad enough do ya?"


"Cause he were, he was so mad, he gave our Jordan a proper kick in, why else do you think he wouldn't get in the shower?" Cory gulped.

Realisation took over Mr Bell's face, before looking back at Cory as he began to make his way out.

"Cory Cory Cory Cory" Sir began, causing him to turn back around.

"Your Dad, has he done this before?"

"Yeah to Jordan, a few here and there in the past, but Lana-" Cory instantly stopped himself, realising what he'd said.

Lana looked up to meet both their eyes.

"Lana? did you say Lana too?" Mr Bell spoke gently, worry laced in his voice.

"Yeah, Lana too"

"Is this true, Lana?"

Tears were now streaming down her face, her mascara running with it. She didn't want to drop Mr Wilson in it, she didn't feel it was her place. However these were her boys and she loved them dearly,she wished she could protect them from everything. She felt guilty, her hands tied.

"I, i didn't do anything," Cory confessed, "i just, i just stood there and watched him do it" he stuttered, the heaviest guilt laying upon his shoulders for not protecting his brother and Lana.

Mr Bell placed his hand gently on Cory's shoulder, causing him to wince slightly in fear.

"You think you can handle this, but you can't, you've got to let me help you."

"Sir but, it's never usually, it's never usually that bad," Cory wimpered, "that one, that was the worst, it's usually just a few thumps and that but" Cory cut himself off, tears flowing gently down his cheeks, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry" he repeated.

Mr Bell took him in his arms, however Cory started freaking out, shouting and hitting him.

"Cory, stop he wants to help" Lana whispered, touching his shoulder.

"No" Cory yelled, as he ran out the door.

"I'm sorry, sir"

"You've got nothing to apologise for Lana"

As sir left to find Cory, Riz walked in, "thought i'd find you in ere, scrapping my sister again eh?"

"It wasn't a scrap it was a slap" Lana reiterated, smiling cheekily.

"You've been crying" Riz stated, sitting down on the table, pulling Lana between his legs to face him.

"That i have" she smiled sarcastically.

"Well then let me help you" he whispered in her ear.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now