9: Regaining My Humanity

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If you saw aizawa right now you'll just see his normal stoic face, but from the inside he was freaking out after seeing that nezu would be joining them in this investigation.

Tsukauchi: Ah! Principal nezu, don't mind me asking that why are you here?

Nezu: I'm here to help you with this case of course!!!!

Tsukauchi: And how you're going to help us?

Aizawa mentally facepalmed himself at tsukauchi's statement. Was the detective intentionally trying to play dumb?

Nezu: By giving you an advice!!!! Just leave the vigilante alone.

Aizawa and tsukauchi: EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH?

Nezu just cackled at their surprise.

Nezu: Before you ask any questions, let me explain. Trying to stop the vigilante will result in more harm as we saw how easily he defeated the no.2 hero. Plus he's helping more then causing harm, crime rates have gone down by 5 percent!! And more thugs and low villains have started to surrender.

Both individuals were lost in thought. Sure the vigilante had helped a great deal in stopping crimes, but.................after what he said to Eraserhead about reforming society, is it really the best thing they could do?

Tsukauchi: We'll think about it but for now we'll still track the vigilante's movements and try to get as much information as we could.

Nezu: Yes! That would be wonderful. I'm also very curious about this vigilante and it would help us to prevent any future mistakes that might lead to more vigilantes, Right Aizawa?

Aizawa was gazing out the window as he just absentmindedly nodded at the principal's words.

Aizawa: I don't know but I feel like we already know the vigilante, but we're just blinded by something.

Nezu and tsukauchi both intently listened Aizawa's words as they also gazed outside the window seeing the sun setting.

Aizawa: Something that was caused by us.........


The sun sets, as (Y/N) watches the city from the top of a building. Recent events had really turned his life upside down. Seeing the city for any crimes one last time, he turns back only to stop as he hears a scream of a child.

???: MAMA!!!!

Quickly running towards there the noise came from, he saw two thugs standing a woman on the ground, said woman was bleeding from the stab wound in her stomach while the child stood by her side, crying as he tried to help his mother as best as a 5 year old could.

Thug1: That's what you get for resisting!!!

Thug2: Come on let's go before anyone comes here, also finish the child t-

But before he could finish his sentence, a tentacle wrapped itself around his body and threw him to the wall.

The other thug turned back to see,
His worst nightmare.

Before the thug could do anything he was met with the same fate as his partner, being smashed into a wall knocking and possibly, killing him.

(Y/n) started to walk away, but stopped as soon as he heard the child's voice again.

Child: Please help my mama. Someone please help. PLEASE MISTER HELP!!!!

Something snapped inside of (y/n) as he saw his younger self instead of the child.

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