39 | let me go

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After driving straight through the night, I get back to campus at an ungodly hour of the morning. I have to quickly drop off the car and keys at Archer's so he can get to class later. I walk back to my dorm as fast as possible and immediately plunge myself into a hopefully dreamless slumber.

When I wake up, afternoon sunlight is streaming through my window and onto my face, and there's someone knocking at my door. For a second, I don't move, paralyzed by the idea of Jack being here. Of confronting what happened at the wedding.

When I finally muster up the courage to answer the door, I'm not sure if I'm relieved to see Levi. In all honesty, I'd rather be left alone right now. My nerves tick with every breath, and I find myself more on edge than anything.

Levi smiles at me, and I immediately feel bad for not being happy that he's here. I plaster a smile on my face, mirroring him. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he says, taking in my tired appearance. "How do you feel?"

I give him a weak smile, pushing through my guilt as he walks in and places his hands on either side of my face, tilting my head up to his for a kiss. "Better now," I say trying to strengthen my smile as if he can somehow see my thoughts straight through my expression.

"Good answer," he says. "Feeling up for a date today? I want to take you out before you go home for break."

I chew on my lip. "Rain check?" I offer. I frown up at him. "I'm sorry I'm such a flake, but I didn't get much sleep last night. I kind of just want to go back to sleep."

"You left the wedding early?" He asks. I nod my head, hoping me doesn't ask why.

My guilt only magnifies when Levi's expression brightens at the news, obviously elated at the fact that I cut my time with Jack short.

Levi thinks for a second. "What about a napping date?" He suggests.

"Napping date?" I repeat, not understanding.

He seems amused at my blank expression. "Don't overthink it, Einstein. It's exactly what it sounds like. You nap and I—"

"Let me guess: you nap with me?"

"I was thinking more like I harvest your organs to sell on the black market," he says. "But I guess I could sleep too."

"Would I at least get a cut of the money you make from selling my organs?" I ask, keeping my tone as light as possible. But with every word, the weight on my chest grows heavier, forcing me to confront what I did.

Talking with Levi like nothing is wrong just makes me feel even worse. He's so happy, and it's my fault that I can't let myself enjoy this moment with him.

"I'll split it with you sixty-forty," he replies.

"How about fifty-fifty?"

He laughs, drawing me away from his chest. "Now you're pushing it," he says, drawing me in for another kiss.

In less than twenty-four hours, my lips have felt the kiss of two different guys.

"I got something for you," Levi says, startling me out of my thoughts. He reaches into his jacket pocket.

"An ice pack for when you cut out my kidney?" I try to joke.

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