Stuck with you

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Elanoras POV:
Flashback from yesterday night:
"Your late you stupid bitch",
my supposed mother shouts as I enter the house.Shes laying half drunk on the couch . The house filled with bottled beers and shattered glass everywhere.Ughhhb Fuck my life.

" Sorry I'm late I had a project due today", I say calmly.She began getting up,well you could say tried, she's stumbling towards me .I knows what's about to happen,she's gonna beat me .Its become routine I don't know,why, I don't fight back,I know I could beat her,I think it's the good side of me that still thinks she has some good in her. But what she did to me when I was just 13 is unforgivable.

I didn't even notice I zoned out till I felt a sting on my arm "WHAT THE FUCK".
I look over to my upper arm and see blood gushing out did she just fucking stab me .The blood had me feeling nauseous I was stumbling back that I didn't even notice her in front of me, but when the smell of alcohol hit my nostrils I knew she was gonna beat me .When I looked directly into her eyes all I saw was pure raw hatred and disgust. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and proceeded to slap me hard , my face jerked to the side .

"Such a stupid disappointment" , she said with so much hatred in her voice.

"I hate you ,you slut" , she screamed

.When I heard the word slut come out of her mouth , it was as if someone took my airway away.
She threw me on the floor and proceeded to kick my stomach ,my ribs were aching.

OWWWW I silently scolded myself.

Ughh she stopped it looks like she was gonna pass out .Her heart shaped face turned into a sadistic smirk .To distracted watching her face never saw her foot put pressure on the stab wound she gave me earlier.

"Ahhhhuuuuuuooo" , I shout
,that shit burned .My vision then goes very blurry I could see black dots but before I could pass out ,
she literally fell backwards with a loud THUMP .

" You stupid bitch", I whisper out very groggily,
Everything hurt .Ughh Elanora get your grip.

I managed to get up very painfully I looked down and saw a puddle of blood,my fucking blood.I climbed the stairs which I was thankful, it was right next to the now fucking dirty living room .Ughhhh I literally took forever this morning cleaning it.I crawled up the stairs slowly.
I limped to my bedroom,and then to the bathroom.

Once I enter,I looked at my reflection the once happy girl was gone.Beautiful honey colored eyes,full crimson red lips, my button nose,my sharp jawline,the small dimple on my right cheek, and all the scattered small freckles on my skin . I'm just a girl trying to forget her shitty past.We all have our demons but letting your demons chase you is horrible.

I managed to get the shower without hurting myself.I can't stop the what if's of my life .But the biggest one is what if my mother never took me from my papa and my brothers .I miss them dearly .
I stop the thoughts and scrub my hair and my body with my lavender scented scrub . Its smells like heaven.

As am getting out of the shower I hear a buzzing noise ahh my phone probably Lucas my bestie.
But first I need to tend all my cuts especially the fucken stab wound good thing it's not that deep just needed a couple stitches.I go to my closet and put on some undergarments.I put on grey sweatpants and one of many stolen Lucas sweatshirts.

One I'm done changing I go across the bedroom checking to see who texted me.

Indeed I was right its Lucas my bestie, he wants to go out again .

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