Chapter 10: Taken away from home.

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(Valentina's POV)

We were heading back home after that fun exciting day at the mall which our Y/N enjoyed today. I told him about the idea of trying his new clothes on with a mini fashion show for us and he agreed to it. That's gonna be so exciting and i'm sure the girls feel the same way also. After we arrived back, Y/N got out of the car and raced towards the living room which I assume to set up something for the show. Sophia got the Macy bags which had his clothes and head towards the living room. Me and the rest just went on our own paces but when we went to the living room, I see Y/N is making some kind of changing area and Sophia is lending a hand too.

Valentina- *Giggle* what are you kids trying to do hmm?~

Sophia- Oh, just helping Y/N here make a changing room for the show. 

Valentina- Well alright then, make sure it doesn't accidentally fall down ok? We don't want him to be embarrassed if it feel down which changing, that would be bad. Well carry on then and tell us when its done so we can start. 

Y/N- OK.

Sophia- Got it mom.

It was so cute and amazing to see the power of sibling hood already happening. I used to love seeing Sophia do this with our past darlings and it always bring a warm feeling in my heart. I went to my room to change into some relaxing clothes and transformed into my other form. Then I went back to the living room with the other girls who did transformed too and were sitting down in the couch with the lights dimmed out waiting for the main event.

Valentina- Let's get the show started Y/N! I cant wait too.~

(Y/N's POV)

I was behind the curtain putting out the first pair of clothes they got for me and I put on the Jordans hoodie along with the matching pants and also tried on the new shoes and they fitted perfectly on me. I was ready to go and present it to them.

Y/N- Are you guys ready to see?

Valentina- Of course Sweetheart.

Addison- I cant to see you in your new clothes.

Nicolette- I bet you look so adorable.

Sophia- I think smooth is a even word for you Y/N, come on lets see it.

They were cheering me on which helped with my "stage fright" a bit.

Y/N's mind- Ok, here goes.

I went out of the curtain and did that walking that those women would walk in a fashion show and did some fun poses and they were clapping and cheering.

Sophia- *Whistling* 

Even whistling too. I bowed and went back behind the curtain and changed into the grey coat and matching pants. And did the same things again. I was having so much fun with this and was proud to be their son.

Y/N's mind- I'm finally home.

(No POV)

But while this was happening, the same suspicious man from the mall was in his van spying on the kid waiting for the perfect time to call in his men and take the child from the house. He personally didn't know why they wanted the child but if he was ordered to do so then so be it then.

????- Gonna have to wait late tonight in order not to alarm the women in the house. I wonder if those are costumes their wearing and why in front of the kid? *Hmph* whatever.

Then his walkie talkie made noise which was a call from he assumed one of his men. He picked up the call and made instructions for his men.

Man 1- Hey boss, so when are we starting?

Our little darling~Yandere motherly succubus x abused child reader. DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now