(28) Worse Off -Forbidden pt.2-

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You've been staying with your mom and Don every night for the past month. It honestly sucked knowing that you could be at the museum, having the time of your life with your friends, family, and Ahk. But instead, thanks to your dad, Larry, you were stuck in your bedroom reading teen romances, when you could be the girl in the teen romance.

You hear an knock on the door. Silently moaning to yourself you cheerfully answer, "come in!"

Don opens the door and peaks his head in for about the fifteenth time now. You knew he was trying to be nice, being your new stepdad and all, but you'd rather be spending time with your real dad. You still weren't too happy about the divorce, and you were angry that your mom started dating again after only three months of being single.

"Can I help you, Don?" You ask, not even turning your head away from the book in your hands.

He nervously chuckles. "Hey (yn)-girl." He says, using the embarrassing nickname he gave you. "Your mom doesn't like you being in here every night. She would like for you to spend some time outside of your room."

"Mmhm." You blandly say.

"Do you want to go play a game of cards or watch a movie?" Don suggests.

"I'm actually really tired right now...I'm just going to go to bed." You say, sliding the post it note you were using as a bookmark into the book. You set it in your bedside table and roll over in bed, curling the sheets and comforter around you.

"Okay...Goodnight." Don says. You could sense a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Goodnight." You mumble back.

You squeeze your eyes shut and hug your stuffed bear close. You sit up as you hear your phone ring.

"Hello?" You say into the phone.

"(Yn)?? It's me, Nicky. I've been brainstorming with Jed, and Octavius. We may have found a way to sneaky out in."


"This is fine." You say to the taxi driver as he pulls around back to the museum.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yup. Thanks for the ride." You say, handing him some money. You slip your drawstring bag over your shoulder, and hop out of the taxi, heading to the loading dock in the museum.

You knock a single time-the signal Nicky gave you. The door opens and you gasp when you see Teddy standing there.

"Are you gonna tell my dad I'm here?" You nervously ask.

"Not to worry, my dear." Teddy smiles. "I heard about young Nick's plan and wanted to assist you."

You smile great fully up at the president. "Thanks, Teddy."

He leads you into the loading dock. As the two of you are walking, Teddy removes his glasses and cleans them with a handkerchief, looking down at you. "You know (yn), young Ahkmenrah hasn't really been himself since you left. He hardly ever leaves the Egyptian exhibit, anymore."

You feel a pang in your heart. You absolutely hated the fact that Ahk felt so bad after dad made you leave. You wonder if he felt just as bad as you do. "Teddy, how will I get to Ahk without dad seeing me?" You ask.

"Nick will have Jedidiah and Octavius create a diversion to distract Lawrence, so you can slip by unnoticed." Teddy explains, peeking his head out the door of the loading dock. "The coast it clear. Let's keep a move on!" He says, gesturing for you to follow him.

You follow Teddy, constantly glancing all around you, making sure nobody else is around.
Once you arrive at the elevator, Teddy turns to face you. "Good luck, (yn). I'll keep a watch out as the last line of defense." He says, saluting you.

You salute him back as you step into the elevator. "Thanks for everything, Teddy." You smile.

"Of course, dear girl." Teddy says as the doors close. He tips his hat at you before the elevator begins going upwards.

The elevator dings when it reaches the floor that the Egyptian exhibit is on, and the doors slowly creek open. You carefully tiptoe down the hall to Ahkmenrah's exhibit, feeling more and more butterflies appear in your stomach with each step. Both from worry and excitement.

You slowly creep into the exhibit. "Ahkmenrah?" You whisper. You see Ahkmenrah sitting on top of his sarcophagus, staring at his tablet. You tiptoe up to him, and place your hands over his eyes.

"Guess who~" You sing into his ear.

"(Yn)?" He chokes.

You remove your hands and smile as Ahk turns around to face you. He smiles wider than you've even seen him smile. The pharaoh wraps his strong arms around you in a warm embrace. He burys his head into your (hc) hair, "I missed you so much, darling." He mumbles. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you too." You say, looking up at him. You bring your lips to his, getting the same fireworks sensation you felt the first time the two of you kissed.

Ahkmenrah kisses you back, and deepens the kiss. You both part to take a breath, smiling at each other, before going right back to kissing. "I love you so much, Ahk..." you mumble in between kisses.

"I love you more." Ahkmenrah suddenly looks off to the side and sighs. "(Yn), I'm sorry that I'm not able to provide for you the way a real boyfriend could."

You cup your hand on the pharaoh's perfect jawline. "Ahk, if this is about what my dad said..."

"But he's right! If our relationship lasted longer than your school years, I could never provide for you like a good boyfriend, or even husband could do! If you ever need me, I can't always be there for you, because I can't even leave this cursed museum without needing to be back by morning." Ahkmenrah says, his eyes becoming wet with tears.

"Don't say that...I wouldn't give you up for the world, Ahk. I promise." You take his hands in your own. "Besides, we don't even need to worry about adulthood for a couple more years. Don't push me away. I'd be worse off without you in my life." You smile when you see a small grin form on Ahk's face.

Things would work out.

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