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*4 years later*

“Cameron!” I yelled. “I said go do your homework.” I swear I’ve told him this something close to a million times already. Obviously not really, but it sure feels like it. “Now!”

“Mom!” He whined from his bedroom. “I don’t want to do it now! We have the whole weekend off.”

I rolled my eyes and walked to his room. “I don’t care if you have the whole weekend to do your homework; I told you to do it now.”

He groaned and slammed his book on his bed. “Fine!” He yelled.

I didn’t even acknowledge the yell. Instead, I just walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. He’s been awful ever since he hit the double digit age. I can’t believe how bad he’s gotten. I don’t even know where it’s all coming from; that’s the annoying part!

“Momma!” A sweet little voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw my little two year baby, “Hey Laycie.” I cooed to her. “How did you get in here?”

She just learned to walk, a little, and she has been on the go all the time. You can’t keep her still at all, and it’s definitely tiring to say the least. She loves to get into everything so I’ve had to lock all the cabinets and anything else she can get into. She’s a little terror, but in her own way, and it’s cute coming from her, considering she can’t cop an attitude with me yet, well, she can, but not in the same way as Cam.

I turned back around and started putting the dishes in the dishwasher and my baby beauty came and stood by me. “You want to help mommy?” I asked. She smiled and nodded at me, her little blonde-brown curls bouncing. Wow, she looked so much like her brother, it was crazy. I handed her a spoon and she put it in the basket in the dishwasher. “Thanks sweets.”

“Mom!” Cam came out sighing. “Can I go to Daniels house?”

“Did you finish your homework?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at him.

He glanced away from me and then looked back, “Yeah…”

“All of it?” I raised an eyebrow at him,

“Mostly….” He bit his lip. “Please mom!? I promise to finish it when I come home!”

I shook my head, “Sorry buddy, but you can’t go until you finish your homework.”

“If dad were here he would have let me go!” He yelled while stomping down the hallway.

“Well dads not here, is he?” I yelled back but regretted it the moment I did. That wasn’t needed and that didn’t make me any better than him. I’m his mother, I should not stoop to his level and say things like that, but he just got me going at that moment.

At that, there was a slam of his door. Instantly I felt my heart drop. I know he misses his dad right now. It’s been hard on both of them; on all of us. I sighed and wiped my hands on my dish towel.  “Come on, baby girl. Let’s go cheer up your brother.” I picked up my baby and walked back towards Cam’s room.

“Cam, baby, open up the door.” I said quietly through the door.

“No!” His voice was muffled.

I sighed and turned the knob. It was locked, so I reached up and grabbed the key off of the door frame.  Once it was unlocked, I put it back so it couldn’t get lost and walked into the room. Cam was lying on his bed with his head in his pillows, and I could tell by the shake of his shoulders that he was crying. I sat on the edge of his bed, and sat Laycie on the bed beside me. She crawled over and sat on his back, causing a sigh to come from him. “Layce! Do you have to sit on me?”

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