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Taking one last look at the mirror, I took a deep breath and exited my apartment.
Walking towards the elevator seemed almost impossible with the anxiety washing over me.

What if people don't like me there? What if things don't go well again?

Shaking my head at the thought of what if's, I entered the elevator. Clicking on the button to reach the lobby, a guy's voice dawned out of the blue.

"HEY! Wait up! I'm headed down."

Rushing, I punched on the button, stopping the elevator doors from closing. In one swift move, the guy entered the elevator, fixing his coat in the process. 

He looks rather dashing.  A thought evident in my head.

"I get that a lot and thanks." he chuckled.

Mentally slapping my face, I closed my eyes from the embarrassment while awkwardly smiling.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" 
" You very much did."

We smiled and ended the conversation short.
Finally, the elevator took it's pit stop and we reached the lobby.

Walking out, I was met with a cold rush of wind. Well thanks for the welcome Seattle.
Luckily the place that took me in for a job was a 10 minute walk from my apartment, saving me from unnecessary cab rides. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, blueberry muffins and a nasty smelling garbage tin was swirling around the air. 

I guess I could get used to this. I said to myself.

After walking for what seemed to be a short moment, I stopped at the sight in front of me.

Seattle Grace Hospital

Entering the building was overwhelming to say the least. Or maybe I was rather distressed. I asked the front desk for directions to the Chief's Office. Smiling at the lady, I made my way around the hospital. 
With an amount of what seemed to be several twists and turns, I finally found the Chief's Office. Let's just say, I'm not very good with directions given the short journey I went through. Knocking on the door, I heard the Chief usher me in.

"Good morning Sir, I'm Callie Torres." I spoke, ending the introduction with a huge, hopefully not creepy looking smile.

"Ahhhh, Dr. Torres. I'm Chief Webber. Pleasure meeting you. Sit, Sit."

We shook hands and proceeded to discuss a few matters regarding my job. But what surprised me was him offering me a job as an attending. Without hesitations, I jumped on the chance.

"And that's just about it. Welcome to Seattle Grace Dr. Torres, we are happy to have you."
"Thank you Sir, you will not regret your decision."

The Chief accompanied me and introduced me to some of the attendings. He gave me a tour of the hospital and informed me about the equipments too. After showing me basically everything, he showed me the attending's lounge last.

"So I guess this is about everything Dr. Torres. Scrubs can be found in your cubicle. Good luck."
He left me and I showed myself around. I found my cubicle and took out my scrubs , pager, and lab coat. Grabbing my stuff, I headed to the bathroom to change. 

Stepping out, I looked in the mirror hanging just outside of the bathroom. Examining myself, I could say I looked hot. Fixing my coat and dusting out the collar, I noticed my name embroidered to my coat.

Calliope Torres, M.D. 
Did they really have to put my awful name?

Heading towards the Ortho Floor, I smiled at the nurses. I asked for charts and reviewed some of them. 

A sound disturbed me from my chart reading sesh, which turned out to be my pager beeping like crazy. I checked to see what it said. INCOMING TRAUMA. Without second thoughts, I practically ran to the E.R. and gowned myself.

Slapping on some gloves, I stepped outside to wait for the ambulance. Hearing the door behind me open, I looked behind me to see who it was. Much to my surprise, it was the man from this morning.
He smiled at me and his faced literally said "I know you."

"Hey, you were the chick from the elevator. Mark Sloan, Plastics." He extended his hand.
"Uh yeah, Callie Torres, Ortho." I shook his hand and immediately let go of it.

Saving me from a conversation that was starting to build it's way up, the ambulance arrived.
Soon enough, we were in a trauma room, with me checking the patient's x-rays and Mark cleaning out nasty burns that came along with the patient.

"So Callie, how come I haven't seen you around?" Mark spoke.
"It's my first day."
"Well, Welcome to Seattle Grace." He said, ending the sentence with an award winning smile.
"Thanks Mark." I replied, letting out a small smile.
"Hey I'm done here. See you around Torres."
"See ya!"

After a few casts and broken bones, my shift was ending. I headed to the attending's lounge, ready to rip off my scrubs and finally put on normal clothes. Finding out I was alone, I wasted no time changing. The sound of the door creaking open made me jump in surprise and cover up my body with the clothing I had on my hand.

"Nice bra Torres."
I didn't have to look to see who it was. Rolling my eyes, I turned around to face him.
"Gee thanks Mark."
"Anytime Torres, anytime."

Finishing up, I grabbed my bag and proceeded to head out. But before I could actually leave, Mark spoke up.
"You heading home already? Why don't you grab drinks with me?"
"Sure. I could use some booze."
"Great. Let me clean up and I'll join you in a while."
"Okay. I'll be outside."

Soon, we were walking towards a bar, laughing at a few jokes he brought up.
We arrived and immediately ordered. We took a few shots and chatted. Just when I was about to get another drink, we heard someone call Mark.

"Hey Sloan, I didn't know you were drinking tonight." Said a guy with luscious black curly hair and a dreamy face. 
"Derek! Fancy seeing you around this time. And uh yeah, me drinking tonight was kind of a spur in the moment. " Mark replied.
"Since when do you say shit like that? You always bring me around when you want to drink-- Ohhh I see, I see." The guy whose name was Derek smirked.
"Nothing, nothing. Who's this gorgeous lady with you Mark?"
"Derek, this is Callie Torres. Callie, This is Derek Shepherd." 
"Nice to meet you Callie." Derek said, smiling while stretching out his hands for me to shake.
"You too Derek." I replied shaking his hand.

The three of us chatted away with the night, drinks in our hand. A few hours passed by, Derek said his goodbyes and telling us we should hang out next time. Mark and I were left alone, finishing up our drinks.
"Hey Mark, I should head home. I kinda don't wanna deal with a massive hungover tomorrow."
"I'll come with. Besides, we do live in the same building."

We walked home side by side, casually bumping the other on purpose. We went up to our apartments but before entering out rooms, we stood outside our doors and looked at each other, smiling.

"Well, good night Torres, see you at work, or the elevator."
"Thanks for the great night Mark. I had fun. Night."

Closing the door upon entering, I sighed.
I got ready for bed and fixed around my apartment for a bit. When I was satisfied, I headed towards my room and settled myself in between the covers. Laying on my side, I smiled and let one thought linger.

Maybe moving wasn't so bad after all.

I switched off the bedside lamp and drifted off into a deep slumber. 

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