The Royal Birthday Celebration

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( location: the tree of life)

The sun rose at the tree of life and the day pride is sad about Kion and Rani not being there , they knew that Kion was coming back tomorrow but they Also knew that It was kions birthday today .

( location : The Pridelands . )

Mufasa tried to get up on his two paws but is unsuccessful, he knew it was kions birthday so he managed to get up and roar with simba , letting the pridelanders know it's sunrise , however the roar did not wake Kion nor Rani .

Simba : did we wake Kion and Rani?

Mufasa : I ... don't think so .

Simba: Kion has always been a very deep sleeper , let's wake him up .

Mufasa: I can't son.. I have to save my energy for kions party .

Simba: oh right.

(Meanwhile with Kion and Rani . )

Kion and Rani were in the back of the den , Kion was awake and he shook his fur and stretched , he woke Rani by accident , the couple started to nuzzle .

Rani: happy birthday Kion .

Kion: happy birthday Rani .

The couple kissed , simba was looking for them and he saw them kissing .

Simba : am I interrupting something Kion ?

The couple stop kissing and starts blushing .

Kion: n-no .

Simba: oh ok and happy birthday !!

Kion and Rani : (in unison) thank you .

Simba tilted his head in confusion .

Simba : it's your birthday too Rani?

Rani nods .

( Meanwhile with Kiara and Kovu . )

Kiara was very jealous of her little brother, she was very upset that Kion had became a king before she became queen, she wanted to find a way to make Rani let go of Kion and not want Kion to be her king , but she did not want to make her little brother upset on his birthday so she decided to wait until the day is over but before that  she remembered that her grandfather completes his journey in the circle of life tomorrow , she groaned at the fact that there was no good day to do this .

Kovu: what's the matter ki-

Kiara: shut up Kovu .

Kovu: Kiara I said I'm sorry more than once ..

Kiara: I don't care , you could say it a thousand more times! It doesn't change the fact that you tried to cheat on me with my little brothers wife!

Kovu: Kiara ..

Kiara: just leave me alone Kovu , that's all I ask .

Kovu: ( sighs ) fine , but kions birthday party starts soo-

Kiara: why are you still talking?! Get out!!

Kovu runs out of the den and sits on the edge of priderock .

( back with Kion and Rani . )

Simba: it's time to eat your birthday breakfast Kion and Rani.

Rani: birthday breakfast?

Kion: oh! It's where we eat different foods .

Rani: what type of food ?

Kion: it's always been a surprise , I don't really remember what I ate last year but we always eat antelope or zebra .

Rani: oh... you celebrate very different then we do..

Rani looks down .

Kion lifts her head up .

Kion: that's not all don't worry . We have races and more fun and we all get alone time then gather back together for the birthday song .

Rani smiles .

Simba: rani! kion! Your foods getting cold .

Kion: coming dad!

Kion and rani walks towards their eating area.

Rani laid next to kion and they all started eating their food.

( the next day )

Kion woke up and shook his fur , simba did the same and they both roared to let the pride landers know it was morning .

——— next chapter: Its time to go .

( I know I haven't updated in a really long time and I'm so sorry for that Y'all! 🥺 I have been trying to get these chapters out for y'all but my birthday is coming up and I've been planning soooo I love y'all and I will post when I can 🥰🥰!!!

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