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🌻A R A B E L L A🌻

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🌻A R A B E L L A🌻

The bright sunlight coming through my curtains reflects onto my closed eyes making me wake up from my sleep. I groan whilst stretching my whole body on my bed. I turn my head and look at my clock reading 5:48am, reading that makes me groan again. It's way too early and me not getting any sleep last night hasn't helped either. I push my duvet away from me and lay there staring at my ceiling. I huff after a while and swing my legs off of my bed and stand up. I am definitely not a morning person...


I'm in my bathroom standing in front of my mirror looking at my appearance. I have dark bag under my eyes, my hair looks like a birds nest and I have dried up drool on the side of my mouth. Disgusting. I turn on the tap and put my hands underneath collecting the cold water in my hands, and then i splash it on my face and rub it all around. I'm definitely wide awake now. I grab my pink toothbrush and start brushing, I then do my tongue to help get rid of my morning breath. After I was done I go back out of my bathroom and into my bedroom and I walk over to my closet and open it up.

Once I put everything on, I go back to my bathroom and open up my makeup draw. I don't put on a lot of makeup because I don't own a lot but I don't mind. I put on a little bit of concealer under my eyes and some mascara on my lashes making them a little longer. My eyelashes are actually quite naturally long but I just like to put some on anyways. And last but not least I put on a bit of blush on my cheeks.

I decided on wearing a white woolly jumper and put blue dungarees over the top with a black belt, then I matched it with white chunky trainers.
(Outfit below)

After I was finished I went back into my room and got my bag and put all the things I needed inside of it

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After I was finished I went back into my room and got my bag and put all the things I needed inside of it. I quickly grabbed my vanilla perfume and sprayed it around my body making sure I smell nice. I take a whiff of it with a smile. I love the smell of vanilla. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone from my charger. I looked at the time and it read 6:34am so that means I have half an hour to get to school and I walk and it takes about twenty minutes. I quickly rush down the stairs and look around to see if I can find Auntie. When I don't find her I realise she has already left for her morning shift.

I sigh and walk into the kitchen and grab an apple from the bowl for my breakfast and walked to the front door unlocking it and stepping outside with the cold wind suffocating me. I turn around and lock the door behind me. Gotta make sure no bad people come inside. After I locked up, I walked down the little pathway and onto the pavement and started walking to school.


I was now in my English lesson and I was bored out of my mind. Every second I looked at the time hoping the lesson would just end. I was to busy looking at the clock that I didn't even realise someone was calling my name.

"iller-, Arabella Miller are you listening!" I looked back at the teacher to see her glaring at me with her hands on her hips. "Did you even hear what I asked you Miss Miller." She said through gritted teeth.

"I- uh no ma'am I'm sorry." She huffed and pointed her bony finger at me.

"Next time listen or it's detention for you!" And with that she turned back to the board talking about a book we are meant to be reading.

I sighed and decided to listen to get this lesson over and done with.


I opened my locker trying to find one of my books when suddenly I heard the clicks of heels on the floor making me turn around. That's when I noticed it was the "popular girls" Tiffany, Emily and Violet. If I would swear I would call them the 'b' word because they really are. Their faces are caked with makeup you would think it would weigh them down, their clothes are so revealing that their private areas are almost out in the open.

Like I mean I'm not one to judge, do what you like but personally I wouldn't do that just to get attention. All three of them have slept around loads and I mean LOADS, and they are incredibly horrible as well but the meanest one is Tiffany. She is so horrible and I know that from experiences with her being mean towards me.

Back to the situation, all three of them come up to me with fake smiles plastered on their faces. Don't be mean Arabella. "Hey guys are you okay?" I ask politely.

Tiffany speaks up first "Of course babe! We were just wondering if you wanted to come to the club with us!" They asked with their still fake smiles on their faces.

"U-uh sorry guys but that's not really my thing, but thanks for asking!" I said with a small smile. I heard one of them scoff quietly but i just ignored it.

"Oh come on babe" Tiffany said "Please it would be fun!" I was about to speak again when she spoke up again "You will make me sad if you decline we really want you to come." She said with a pout. I don't like making people sad. I feel bad. So I sighed before nodding my head with a small smile hoping I wouldn't regret this.

"Awe okay awesome so come to my house after school and we will get you ready!" She gave me a piece of paper with a location on and she then walked off with her group.

Oh god.

-chapter complete-
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Word count: 1078

Hey guys sorry this chapter is kinda boring but... :/
Don't worry though it will hopefully be more interesting in the next chapter so it's okay!!

I hope you are enjoying the story so far <3
Tell people to read my stories!! Thank you 😊

I love you :)x

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now