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No one sang me happy birthday-thank my Saturn-and the manager put what I order on the house. It was a short drive from the diner to the clothing store, but William didn't want to walk because it's cold outside.

There's a loud and annoying bell that rings when William opens one of the double doors. We enter the store and William puts me down and takes my hand, then I lead him around towards the boy's clothing section.

"Um, Agnes...?" Tisha was heading in the opposite direction. "The gir-"

"She's fine," William snaps. I squeeze his hand, and he mumbles an apology to me, not to Mrs. Granger, his mother. I shake my head, leaving it alone. "How about this?" William stops, causing me to halt too, and tugs at the end of a Jaws T-shirt.

"I like sharks, but I don't like wearing them. Maybe something plain?"

"Sure." We take a few steps down the aisle, then I look glance back to see if Mrs. Granger is still following us, she is, but behind her, I spot Gloria entering the store.

"Gloria!" Without thinking, I try to make a run for her, but William's hold on me yanks me back. "Will!" I whine, tugging at his arm. Gloria either heard me or saw us, either way, she's smiling and waving at us now. William still hasn't moved or let me go. "Will!" I whine again.

"Okay, okay," he releases me, and I dart over to Gloria.

"Hey, sweetie." Gloria leans and places her hand on my cheek, smiling big. "You look as beautiful as ever. How's everything at Mrs. Granger's?"

"Okay," I shrug. "Hard to tell when I've only been here for a day."

Gloria chuckles. "Right. Kind of a dumb question." Behind me, I hear someone approaching. Gloria drops her hand from my face and straightens her back. "Hey, Will."

William turns me around then picks me up. His eyelids flutter before he says in a strained voice "hi."

"What are you doing here?" I ask Gloria.

"I'm actually here for you. I can't come and visit empty-handed."

"You don't have to," William says. He seems odd, but not like the way he is with his mother, he seems more...shy than angry.

"Well, I'm here and I've already taken the morning off too to go shopping," she argues politely. I smile at her.


I have somehow forgotten how beautiful Gloria is. This is the first time I'm seeing her outside of her uniform and her ripped, blue jeans and plaid shirt fit her just as nicely though. And her long, curly hair is nicely wild. I like the sass in her voice too. She's gorgeous, strong-both mentally and physically, I can sense it-and most importantly, Agnes likes her. Too bad Gloria lives three hours away, we won't be able to see her after I foster Agnes and she comes back to the city with me.

My throat is dry and I have to clear before speaking. "Agnes?" I turn to her. It's whatever she wants.


"Can Gloria and I talk for a minute?" She nods, and I peck her forehead before putting her down. I watch her run back to Tisha, my throat automatically closes and my hands ball into fists. I still don't trust her with Agnes. I don't think I ever will.

It takes me a few moments, but when I finally return my attention to Gloria, she's smiling.

I don't question her expression and go straight to the point. "I know you work, but I leave tomorrow night and I need someone to check on Agnes."

Gloria's grin vanishes and she looks at me confused. "She's not staying with Tisha Granger?"

"She is, but..." how do I word this without giving up personal information and without sounding completely ridiculous. Maybe I am being ridiculous, that's why I can't find the right words. I left my childhood home when I was a child, Tisha has probably...Tisha has clearly changed, yet I can't bring myself to let her, or anyone watch Agnes. I'm barely alright with Gloria because she's a cop and Agnes likes her.

I've must've taken so long to answer because Gloria grins and says "of course I will."

"Thank you," I breathe.

"Do you know how you're getting back yet?"

"Um, no." I've been pushing the thought of leaving Agnes to the back of my head that when it came to actually leaving her, I wouldn't know how.

"Well, I can take you."

"What? No, it's three hours there and back, I can't ask you to-"

"Good, because you're not asking and neither am I."

I can't help but smile at this woman. "You don't take no for an answer, do you?"

She holds her hands behind her back and her cheeks begin to redden. "I just want to do my part and help a good man."

A good man? I wouldn't say that. I've done a lot of fucked up things in my life at a young age and even as a grown man, and before Agnes, my sister was the only person I cared about. Sure I helped a few here and there, like the girl in my class, but I felt sorry for her, it wasn't out of the kindness of my heart. "I'm leaving around eight." More like after Agnes falls asleep. It pains me to have her wake up and not me be there, but I rather it be that than her being too scared to fall asleep because I'm not there.

"No problem." Gloria's grin grows.

"I appr-"

"William!" Agnes exclaims excitedly, jumping in front of me with a gray shirt, a large Saturn sewed into it. "Please?"

"Of course, daring. Get whatever you want." Her smile blooms like a flower, then, light on her feet, she returns to Tisha. I hear Tisha whisper I told you as I turn my attention back to Gloria, who's smiling and looking at me in awes. I've never been looked at like this before, it's sort of uncomfortable. I feel trapped by her gazes and swallow hard, scratching the back of my head as I look down at her feet. She's wearing timberland and there's mud on the sides of them. She hikes?

I look at her again, but when I open my mouth to speak I feel Agnes' eyes burning a hole in my back, almost like she's calling me.

"Agnes," I tell Gloria, and she nods. I was right; Agnes had wanted me to help her pick clothes, but didn't want to interrupt Gloria and me.

After Agnes picked out three outfits, it wasn't difficult to figure out her style; plain clothes that are a size bigger than her original size. It makes things so much easier on me. Everything she's picking, I would pick for myself. But something in me burned when she looked at a piece of clothing she liked and grimaced when she saw the price. Where did she learn that? Gloria helped Agnes with the underwear which was such a relief. And it got me wondering who's going to be the mother figure for Agnes?

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