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4.3: Domestic Name For A Wild Animal

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الكاتب: MadisonTrupp بواسطة MadisonTrupp

Nate looked a lot nicer than when she saw him last. His hair was coiled up in a bun and dark sunglasses sat on his face. Instead of a loose white t-shirt, he dressed in red plaid, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He wore a strong wild cologne of lumber and earth, which she guessed meant he'd been out in the woods before this. It was easier to see him as attractive when she wasn't so mad at him, but like with Milo, she tamped it down and smothered it before it could spawn anything.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Humphrey's Burgers," Nate said, peeking at her from his lowered sunglasses.

"Really?" Timmory scoffed. "No super-secret occult cabin? No forest or anything? Not even the edge of town?"

"No. I want coffee... and a burger."

"But what about all my questions? Won't people get suspicious?"

"People talk about weirder things," said Nate.

"But you yelled at me about being on speaker phone!"

"That's different. I don't know who else is there."

"This is literally the same thing."

"Do you want burgers or not?"

At the restaurant, they found a small table with two chairs right against the window. The waitress took their orders as she poured Nate a coffee. Timmory watched him sip and smack his lips with delight, but the overpowering smell of the bitter coffee made her stomach pinch.

"You'll get used to it," he said.

"So how long have you been like... this?" she grimaced.

Nate shrugged. "My whole life."

"So you were born that way?"

"Yeah, most are. It runs in our blood."

"Okay, and you said a," Timmory whispered, "pack. Is that like, all of you?"

Nate nodded.

"With like a... you know, like in real life, real wolves. An Alpha or whatever?"

"Actually no," Nate firmly set his coffee down. As he straightened up in his chair, she had a feeling she was in for a lecture. "We're nothing like what they portray in popular media. We don't have that kind of hierarchy, which is fabricated, by the way, by people who took unrelated wolves from the wild and tried to study them as if they'd behave the same in captivity. The whole concept of the Alpha, Beta and Omega is total personification bullshit. Wolf packs don't follow that structure in real life. Neither do we."

Timmory followed the elaborate hand gestures accompanying his explanation.

"Of course, we have a leader. He keeps us all in check and makes sure we're doing what we're supposed to be doing. But everyone contributes equally and the voices of the young are valued as much as the voices of elders. A hierarchy like that keeps us strong and safe." Nate made it clear that he didn't agree with the idea of an Alpha. Falling silent, he looked at the other patrons in the restaurant.

"Okay, and this leader, he's a pretty nice guy? He won't mind the fact that I'm busting into this thing you all have?" she asked.

Nate snorted. "No, he's pretty happy to have fresh blood."

"Fresh blood," Timmory parroted. "Speaking of, what do you do for meals?"

"We hunt. Or we buy steaks. Lots and lots of steaks. There are hunters that sell venison and moose and whatever else they shoot, we buy that too. And fish. There's no shortage of meat if you know where to look."

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بقلم Madison Trupp
Timmory Cross, a restless university student and newly-turned werewol...
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