Chapter 13

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"I really don't understand why I've been dragged into the middle of this." I complained for the millionth time, while I waited with Kelly to ambush the Zionians as they left for the day.

"Because you secretly agree with me that what Amber's doing is wrong." Well she had me there. "And you love me."

"Most days at least." I teased, earning a slap on my arm. "So are you planning to just go up to them and invite them to the dance? I mean, if I was them I would suspect something was up."

"No, I'm going to invite one of them to be my date." I really wished I had Kelly's confidence. I couldn't even work up the guts to ask a human male to be my date, let alone a Zionian.

"Umm Kelly, I thought the goal was to get all of them to come. Not just one guy to be your date."

"Lindsey, youre thinking too small minded." Kelly looked once again around the corner where they should be coming out any minute now. "I'm not going to ask just any guy. I'm going to ask their leader, then the rest will follow."

"I wasn't aware they had a leader."

"Then you haven't been paying close enough attention. They all look up to Alek and what he says goes with the others."

"Wait. You're asking Alek!" This was not good. There was no way he would agree to go.

"Of course. I told you and Amber a while ago I had my eye on him." She had, we just hadn't taken her seriously. "He's totally gorgeous. Plus, there's the added benefit that if he goes so will the others."

"Have you ever even talked to the guy? I mean he could be a total dick." He looks like he could crush your dreams in his palms.

"No, that's been kind of impossible. what with Amber's making them social pariah's and all." Kelly huffed. "Plus, I'm not in class with any Zionian's like you and Amber are."

"Count your blessings there." I sighed, earning a quick glare.

"Don't tell me you're just like Amber!"

"No, I'm not." I quickly corrected. I didn't have any issues with the Zionians, it was just... "They just make it a little awkward in class, when everyone else hates their guts."

Kelly threw up her hands. "See this is why I'm doing this. So everything can get back to normal and they can be treated like the rest of us."

"And here I was thinking you were just trying to catch a hot date." I teased, bumping my hip into hers as we both peered around the corner again. What was taking them so long today!

"Well, there is that added benefit."

I really didn't want to drag her mood back down, but I had to bring up one last point. I couldn't watch her walk into this blind and get shot down. "By any chance have you noticed that Alek seems to be a little into Amber?"

"There's no way." Kelly denied it, but I could see her confidence falter. "I mean, it's probably because he hates her. Just because every other guy here seems to be under her spell doesn't mean that Alek is."

I refused to step into that worm hole. I had done my part in bringing up that warning. I was not going to get into the silent friendly competition that Amber and Kelly had been in since they first started wearing training bras.

"You're right." I squeezed her hand in support as the doors finally swung open to reveal Alek leading his group of Zionian's out of the scho-ol. "Good luck."

Kelly pulled up her phones camera to check her reflection and fluff her hair before stepping around the corner.

As she approached I felt I was more nervous for her than she was. My heart was racing and palms sweating.

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