Chapter 28: Belongs to him

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" Is it true when times come you have to leave? -" radha asked with a sad tone. She knows the purpose of their union is not only about doing romance and all but making each other strong and responsible. She knew if her consort doesn't take the all matters now it will be very late for them specially for his biological mother and father. Yes, she know all, seen all before everything happened in here with there life.

Her louts like face become dull she knew she have to sacrifice for what was right for her duty.

Seeing her dull face Krishna take her face with his one finger and lifted her chin like a rose petals blooming beautifully on his hand.

"Radha I love you more than anything else but as a son I have some responsibility towards my birth parents, they see many things for me and for me they have to with such hell ,they will be dead if I would not save them and for that I have to do deal with a human looking but real monster, I have to kill him for good and truth. "

He explained all one by one,  for many years he supress everything within deep down inside of his beating heart but now when he knows what was going on there specially her mother he shattered inside. He could actually feel her pain and suffering .

Radha place her one hand over his shoulder and told him something beyond his expectations

" You go my husband. Do your duty as a son. I never seen her but I love them both of our parents. Am always here for you don't worry. Just remembered one thing the person who loves you most will definitely understand your situation and she is your mom. Save them and punish the evil king for the sake of the humanity "

A smile formed against his beautiful face he was quite surprised. His heart filled with peace. He gently grabbed her hand and thanks her for her love

" You know love perhaps I am the most luckiest husband in the world "

His voice is sparking with happiness

Radha return his emotions by smiling back at him.

" I know, and me too "

Some where in the castle

" She was there with him,.... Like a Happiest couple totally forgot about you and your family and you are here act like a fool. You told that you could control her but look she escaped from your grip and walls. Now what? Go to your mistress and enjoy her company. I have always warned you about there emotions and feelings but you always ignore me. Look what she made?

If you at least give her a child she will always remain trapped with you but don't know what made you think like that you delayed everything and she eloped with her lover "

A shadow figure behind the curtain speak to Ayan with its venomous tone

While Ayan standing in the other side sliently listen everything without making any arguments. The room was coloured with maroon and filled with darkness. A table standing in the corner of the room decorated with lamp stand the only source of the light which contrast perfectly by its dim golden composition. Making everything shadowy and like a mystery.

"I never mean to loose her. I do everything for you and your planning. You know that. Eventually I force myself upon her but I can't make it fruitful. I eventually married her only for you and now when I was going through with such situations you blame me other than giving any solution. You always told me that you love me more than anything but what is now...... Help me so I can able to deal with it. "

A mocking laughter echoed through the room. The figure slowly started to murmured softly something in foregain language

" Alum  zeneourisazz se te lampa u vita tu dë ś ghä böü śämy ťù "

Ayan lit up his eyebrows and now his eyes fixed on something towards a yellow light suddenly emerged from the curtains slowly drifting near to him,  he posed for a second then slowly places his hand in front of it the light then turned into a small glass bottle filled with yellow liquor in it. Confused Ayan started to checking it but nothing comes into his mind

Now the wind blows like a catastrophic, chilling everything sending a unknown message to everyone who was there to get a chance.

Shadow figure behind the curtain started to move like a wave on sea then a voice echoed in the room and the temperature of the room suddenly dropped, a tingling sensation started to bulid in his stomach and he heard near to his ear like someone speaking softly to him

"Take this and when the time comes you will used it for your gain. It will help to get what is yours not only you will be able to to matched with her dream her soul. A mirror to him, his reflection. Go you have to hurry otherwise you will die "

With that the voice and the shadowy figure both vanished into thin air like they were never existed before.

Ayan take the portion and grabbed into his fists. A smirk appeared on his face

"Soon Radha you will be mine, completely "

Hey cupcakes how are you all?  I know...... Late update but what can I do when I am going through with such depressing situation. Sorry for late update. The present situation of the world is horrifying. So be safe and stay home. 

Health is wealth

Love you all.

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