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"Juliet! What are you doing after work?" Juliet had to blink a few times before Alice came into focus in front of her

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"Juliet! What are you doing after work?" Juliet had to blink a few times before Alice came into focus in front of her. Alice's fingers tapped against the wolf as she looked up at Juliet expectantly.

"Um...nothing, I think." Juliet thought for a moment. "Shouldn't you be able to see that?"

"Oh, now I can!" Alice smiled widely. "We are going shopping."

"We are?" Juliet raised her eyebrows.

"Mmhmm!" Alice leaned against the counter. "You're gonna need something to wear to the wedding, aren't you? Also, do you know Leah's sizes? You two need to match but I know better than to try and bring her along."

"Wait, wait, wait. Wedding?" Juliet leaned forward a bit. "I thought Bella was still totally against it."

"Nope, she finally agreed." Alice's smile only widened. "You should see the ring, it's beautiful. It was Edward's mother's so it's vintage. Not exactly my first choice, but I've been able to work around it. If you don't know Leah sizes you need to find out. I'm not opposed to making another trip to Seattle but it will really get in the way."

"Seattle? Alice I have stuff to do still." Juliet sighed. "Could we go tomorrow, maybe?"

"Oh, what do you really have to do?" Alice groaned. "Besides, we're taking my Porsche. It'll only be a few hours, unless you plan on being difficult about trying stuff on." Alice's eyes narrowed. Before Juliet could speak, Alice clapped her hands together. "Good! Now, I'm going to take your truck to Charlie's, tell him what we're doing, and I'll meet you outside after your shift." Alice held a hand out expectantly.

"Alice..." Juliet sighed. Alice's eyes narrowed again and Juliet groaned, sitting up and fishing her keys out of her sweatshirt pocket and dropping them into Alice's hand.

"Make sure you call Leah about her sizes!" Alice reminded, and then she was gone. Juliet shook her head, sighing as she picked up the phone. She quickly dialed Emily's number, and after a few rings it was answered.

"Hello?" Emily's voice came through, but Juliet could hear the boys doing something in the background.

"Hey Em." Juliet leaned back against the counter. "Is Leah around?"

"No, I think she's with Sue today." Emily sounded slightly distracted. "Oh, yeah, that's right! Leah and Seth were gonna make her dinner, since it's her birthday. Why, what's up?" Juliet sighed.

"Alice is dragging me along to do...something." Juliet waved her hand lightly. "You wouldn't happen to know Leah's dress size, would you?"

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