Attack On The Van

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Whenever my mom would take us on a road trip to her hometown on the Navajo reservation I'd occasionally ask her to tell me a skinwalker story along the way. I remember every story she's told me was when we were driving through miles of nothing at night.

Luckily, nothing ever happened to us during those drives. Anyways this is one of those stories and it came from my auntie.

So my auntie and some of her friends use to party a lot back in the day. They'd hop in a beaten down van, drive out to the boondocks and just drink and have fun.

Of course this all took place on the Navajo reservation after sunset. On this particular night that's what they were doing.

Everything was going good and whatnot when all of a sudden they hear what sounds like rocks being thrown at their van. Everyone gets quiet as they wonder what the hell is going on. The sounds of rocks being thrown stops and then suddenly something jumps on top of the van roof! (I should mention my family owned a white van that we would use for road trips because it had enough room for all my brothers and me, so imagine young me being told this story in a van. TERRIFYING)

Everyone starts panicking as the realization sets in and hurry to lock all the doors. My auntie jumps in the driver seat and tries to start the engine. Of course, the beaten down van then refuses to start.

Whatever is on the roof is still up there making banging noise at this point like it's jumping up and down.

My auntie is freaking out when she then sees a hand with long nails reach over the roof and start scratching the windshield. (At this point in the story my mom would take one hand off the steering wheel and scratch the windshield to simulate it).

Then whatever was on the roof jumps off. Everyone is still freaking out yelling at my auntie to start the van and she keeps trying.

That's when she sees the skinwalker walk up to the driver side window and stare at her just a few inches away. Well, that's when my auntie jumped in the back and started praying for her life.

Minutes pass and the skinwalker appears to leave. My auntie hops back in the driver seat and gets the van to start and off they go!!

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