05 | I

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"How is she?" Ryker asked worriedly and looked towards Alexandros who was sitting beside Roseanne

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"How is she?" Ryker asked worriedly and looked towards Alexandros who was sitting beside Roseanne. Her small frame was laying down on the uncomfortable looking hospital bed. Her lips had a shade of blue colour and her skin had paleness like a white sheet.

"There is a little improvement in her condition."

"That's great." Ryker sighed and placed his hand on the other's shoulder.

"I am going out. Send Zeus to collect her things from her house." Alexandros instructed coldly.

"Wait! You mean- you are taking her in? Under your care?" Ryker blinked in surprise.



When Roseanne woke up in the hospital, she was greeted by Ryker's smiling face. He informed her that her father is taking her with him, with them away from all the bad people.

Roseanne was shocked. She clearly could not believe it at all but eventually she found herself sitting in her father's jeep.

Alexandros hadn't exchanged any word with his daughter who was sitting in the back with Ryker.

Alexandros was driving and Zeus was on the other side.

After reaching at their final destination, Alexandros turned his head to look at Roseanne who was peacefully sleeping on Ryker's lap.

She looked so fragile and innocent.

Something irked his chest but he looked away and turned his eyes to look at the clubhouse, his home.

"Ayo Boss! You back?" His members greeted him and curiously turned to look at the sleeping girl in Ryker's arms.

"That your daughter?" Garrett asked confused. Alexandros just grunted and stormed inside but not before slamming the door shut that earned a flinch from Roseanne.

Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked up in Ryker's adoration filled eyes.

"Where Daddy is?" She whispered weakly.

"Inside." He told her while moving in the same direction. Roseanne looked at members of her father's gang who were staring at her quietly.

Roseanne shyly waved at them and hid her face in the crook of his neck when they all returned the gesture. Ryker chuckled and took her inside the loud clubhouse.

"She's cute."

"Pretty little girl." These whispers rang continuously in her ears until they moved to the much quieter area upstairs.

Ryker kicked open one of the door and made his way inside with Roseanne still clinging to him.

"Whose room this is?" Roseanne asked curiously as Ryker settled her down on bed for another nap.

"Your father's room."

"Is pretty." Roseanne smiled.

"Yeah. Now take some rest here. I will be back in an hour or something with your dinner and your medicines." Ryker told her and Roseanne nodded mutely but then asked pouting.

"Won't Daddy come back?"

"I have no idea, sweety."


It was late in the night when Alexandros stumbled inside his room. He was drunk but not too much that his senses were not working. Roseanne perked up at the sound of door opening.

"Daddy? You back?" As she turned the lights on, Alexandros was greeted by her bright smile.

"Why ain't you sleeping kid?" Alexandros murmured annoyed, kicking his shoes off and shrugging his jacket off.

"Was waiting for you, daddy.." Roseanne giggled and excitedly sat on the bed.

Alexandros rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed on the other side. Roseanne crawled to him and took a seat right behind him. Their feet were dangling down on the floor and their palms were holding their chins. This action was identical between daughter and father.

"Is Daddy sad?" Roseanne whispered when her father did not speak afterwards for some next minutes.

"Don't annoy me and go to sleep."

Roseanne stared at her father's face with frown but nodded eventually.

"Ok Daddy."

She laid down on her side of bed. Her teary eyes kept staring at her  father's back until they shortly closed and sleep took over her.

Minutes later when he could no longer feel her stare, Alexandros turned  to look at his daughter. She was sprawled down on her side of bed, on her stomach and with her arms hugging the pillow.

Alexandros rolled his eyes after seeing that she was drooling.

He laid down beside her and placed his arm under the back of his head. Small snores which came from Roseanne was the only thing that reached Alexandros ears. He did not find it annoying, instead something indescribable, he could not pin point what.

Some minutes later, a small whimper reached his ears. His head snapped in her direction in speed of light, though the sight did not impress him.  She was clutching the pillow in her small tight fists. Tears rolled down her closed eyes.

Something tugged his heart and he almost unconsciously moved close to her.

"Daddy...." Roseanne whimpered again and sweat started to form on her forehead.

Alexandros sighed a little but grabbed Roseanne. He pulled her on top of his chest and began to comb her hair with his fingers.

Surprisingly, her tears stopped and Alexandros found her small hands now clutching his shirt. He inhaled sharply, a look of annoyance covered his face but he did not let go of his daughter.

He watched closely how her face was twitching in her sleep. She would occasionally flinch in her deep sleep, however her father's small comforting touch was enough to lull her back to sleep.

"No leave Roseanne, Daddy please." Roseanne mumbled in her sleep and rubbed her face on his shoulder.

"Sleep Rosa!"

And, she did so with a small smile on her face, confusing it as a dream where her father did not hate her.

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