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Tomomi Headcanons I made
up on the spot part one:

- She's really good at singing. She
loves singing disney music.....

- She and Shoto have their own
credit cards but they do spend their
father's money just to piss him off
( It always works )

- Tomomi and her great x4 grandmother
in Rei's family both share the same level
of power when it comes to their ice quirk

- Tomomi loves Care-A-Lot Care Bear and

- She wants to live near the beach with a hammock
when she graduates and gets married

- I have already planned Tomomi and Katsuki's
future after the series and even planned a spinoff
in my head in which involves their kids.
( They have twin boys and one baby girl in the
future. I even named them and have their quirks )

Don't forget to comment and vote! No ghost readers

Happy reading!

           Katsuki Bakugou figured out he is in love with Tomomi Todoroki and the next morning, he had no idea how he was going to face her when his HAIR WAS STUCK IN A STUPID HAIRSTYLE. He knew he should have chosen a different hero to intern with but nooooo....His dumb ass had to pick Best Jeanist. And no matter how much he tried to wash his hair to get it back to it's natural state, all of his attempts fell flat and now he had to go to school looking like some nerdy loser. Why did he had to realize his feelings for her now? He's gonna look like someone's stick up the ass brother! This sucked.

          He didn't care how the others might feel about his hair, all that mattered was how Tomomi saw him. Aside from the fact that he did learn a lot about cosmetics and hair during his weekend, he still thought it was a mistake to pick him. And he regretted it even more when he entered the classroom that same morning. Where he was met with laughter over his new ( and temporary ) look.

       "SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY BAKUGOU?!" Kirishima burst in laughter as he doubled over, pointing at his styled hair.

       "STOP LAUGHING!" Bakugou growled, feeling his face grow hot. He was beyond embarrassed in that moment. "My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I washed it!" But even after that explanation, it didn't stop him from laughing. Which only angered him. "HEY! STOP LAUGHING! I'LL KILL YOU!"

      "I so cannot wait until Tomo-chan see this!" Sero snickered, holding his mouth as he cracked up.

      Bakugou's eyes widened when he was, once again, reminded that he was in the same class as the girl he was currently in love with. "SHUT UP, SCOTCH TAPE!"

      Just as he was about to threaten them even more, in came in Tomomi with Momo linked to her arm. She looked and seemed different. Her hair was curled loosely but beautifully and was she wearing makeup? Or more than usual? Either way, her eyelashes seemed longer, her lips seemed pinker, and her eyes seemed brighter. She also seemed to smile brighter than she usually did as she laughed at whatever Momo said to her. But they all can agree, Tomomi was radiating today and it was hard to even ignore it.

     ¨Wow..." Kirishima nearly gasped as he looked at the ice wielder laugh with Momo. "What a woman...."

      Bakugou, Sero and Kirishima looked in awe as she tucked a piece of her white hair, exposing her red hair underneath. The moment was playing in slow motion as their heartbeats echoed in their minds. From the moment her hand lifted to her hair, to the moment she tucked the white hair behind her ear. She was even wearing dangling pearl earrings today. My god, she was an angel amongst humans.

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