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Harry Styles

I signed the last piece of paper, handing Charles the contract to give to Judy. She had been an unbelievable choreographer since the day she started working at the Moulin Rouge, I couldn’t afford to lose her – so I proposed she stay for another five-year term. I placed the fountain pen away, and rested in my chair.

I was beyond tired, and well aware that I looked like shit. I hadn’t slept soundly in over a month, and with the situation between Vicky and I taking a turn for the worst, the future didn’t look promising on the sleep-front either. There was so much I couldn’t figure out – how did I get herpes, if not from her? Why didn’t I just talk to her about it? – Sleep was the last thing on my mind.

As I sealed my eyes, and tried to find the quiet I needed, boisterous knocking was heard through the door. I grumbled under my breath, pulled at my hair and sat up, shooting a death glare at whoever was on the other side of the door. The one time I actually make a solid attempt to get some sleep, and I get disrupted. I didn’t know if God was playing a joke on me, or if people actually had pressing matters that needed my consultation.

“Come in,’’ I said emphatically with a flinty voice. I rubbed my eyes, heavy with the bags that hung underneath them, and leaned my elbows on my desk. I feel like I’m going to pass out, this better be important or someone is getting fired.

“Harry,’’ Angelina walked through the threshold, and I immediately sat up straight. I always felt the need to act formal in her presence, I wasn’t sure why – maybe because she worked with your grandfather, and knows how to run this place better than you ever could – probably cause she is a very important business partner.

“Always a pleasure, Angelina.’’ I said, and stood up to give her a hug. Even though we acted very punctilious towards each other, we greeted each other warmly. I invited her to sit on the couch, and asked her what she needed.

“In five days we are heading to Florida,’’ She told me, and I looked at her with a puzzled expression, but she quickly explained. “I called some friends of mine who are opening a club in Florida, and they want to consult with you. Basically, they need you to guide them on how to run a successful club.’’

“And why would I do that, what’s in it for me?’’ I wasn’t about to give away all my best-known secrets out of the goodness of my heart. I was a businessman, not a philanthropist.

“They’re offering you two-hundred thousand for your services,’’ Angelina said, and she rested with her body against the couch. “It’s a good opportunity, and you only have to be gone for three days.’’ She tried to reason with me, but I wasn’t having it.

“I’m sorry, Angelina. The offer isn’t enough for me to even consider it; I have too much to do here.’’ I admitted, and she knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Harry, this is a serious proposal,’’

“And I’m seriously going to have to decline this, Angelina.’’ I stated for the second time. “I wouldn’t even consider walking around the block for two-hundred thousand; I have a club to run, people to take care of and I need to keep a roof above my head. Get them to raise the offer to five-hundred thousand, and I’ll consider it.’’

“Fine, I’ll call them. If they agree to put out five-hundred thousand, will you promise to take it?”

“Five-hundred thousand, and a private jet on their expense – they’re crazy if they think I’m flying commercial or paying for private on my dime.’’ I informed her, and she nodded approvingly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I was about to head home.”

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ