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"Pei-Xiong! Pei-xiong! "

"Wei Wuxian keep your voice down and for the last time I am your uncle for goodness sake."

Pei Ming screamed back just as loudly as Wei Wuxian while looking around to see if any other Heavenly officials heard him. Wei Wuxian put on his most unconvincing hurt expression as he asked clutching his heart dramatically.

"Aren't you my buddy Pei-xiong? "

"Stop messing around with him A-Xian. "

Mu Qing said rolling his eyes while Feng Xin just shook his head in disapproval. Feng Xin and Mu Qing were towards Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian beamed at his Jiujius and waved at them but he ignore Mu Qing's advice and continued the blabbering.

"Pei-Xiong. Let me tell. This time I got way more free stuff from the ladies of Yunmeng, can you believe that my flirting got even better? Maybe better than yours???"

"You are still teaching him how to flirt? "

Feng Xin roared at Pei Ming making him take a step back. Mu Qing had already taken out his saber to fight and was pointing it at Pei Ming. Pei Ming raised both his hands in the air and said.

"I don't have to teach him much. He is a natural and how can I let his talent go to waste! "

"You... "

Wei Wuxian just laughed as he watched the show of his uncles arguing back and forth. Ling Wen walked over to them and placed a hand on Wei WuXian's shoulder who was just about to topple over from too much laughter.

"Are you running away from home after causing some trouble? "

Ling Wen asked with an overall  expressionless face but a faint smile on her lips.

"No Yimaaa... "

Wei Wuxian said as he turned to face Ling Wen and he gasped, eyes wide as he cup her face and said.

"Yima you look terrible. Did you not sleep last night? "

"That's how she usually looks. "

Pei Ming said dismissively and Feng Xin and Mu Qing both agreed nodding their heads, stopping thier fight instantly. Wei Wuxian looked at his uncles and stuck out his tongue at them, then he turned to Ling Wen with a very bright smile.

"Don't listen to them. Today your dearest A-Xian will help you with the scrolls. 
Before that I have something to show you all...

Wei Wuxian held up his sword for the four of them to see. All of them looked at the sword in Wei Wuxian's hands and then at Wei Wuxian. He waited with a gleaming smile for them to react but nothing came so he whined.

"Come on say something. "

"It's a nice sword A-Xian. "

Ling Wen said after she took a closer look, she hid her smile behind her sleeves after reading the engraving on the scabbard. Wei Wuxian unsheathed his sword and did a few impressive moves cutting the air.

"Nice A-Xian"

Feng Xin and Mu Qing said at the same time and then glared at each other. Pei Ming clapped his hand at Wei WuXian's performance. After recovering from the shock of saying the same thing, Feng Xin asked.

"What did you name it? "


The three Martial Gods did not understand Wei WuXian's words and just looked so confused that it was truly a pitiful sight to watch. Ling Wen was now openly laughing.

"We can't call it whatever we want.... "


Wei Wuxian repeated again cutting off Mu Qing from his complaining. Wei Wuxian showed them the characters engraved on his sword. After reading the name, Pei Ming crackled and laughed loudly, Mu Qing was frozen looking like he was completely defeated and Feng Xin was rolling on the floor clutching his stomach with laughter.

Pei Ming stopped his laughter and complimented Wei Wuxian for his great name choice. But Mu Qing was still frozen on spot and Feng Xin looked like he would explode from too much laughter any second now.

"Lao Pei take care of them.
A-Xian let's go. "

Ling Wen said looking at the shocked Mu Qing and laughing Feng Xin. Pei Ming gasped hearing her words. Wei WuXian waved goodbye to his three uncles and said.

"Alrighty... Let's go.
Bye bye Pei-xiong"

"No don't leave me with this laughing mess. "

Mu Qing had finally snapped out of his daze but Feng Xin was still laughing. Pei Ming quietly escaped from the scene leaving behind Mu Qing to drag the laughing God to his Palace.

"What are we doing toady? "

Wei Wuxian asked sitting on Ling Wen's table, feet dangling from the side. Ling Wen pushed a small heap of her scrolls to Wei WuXian and said.

"You can categorise these ghosts and rate them. If you have any doubt ask before you write anything. "


Wei Wuxian started reading the scrolls and wrote down his notes on a fresh piece of paper. After sometime Ling Wen came back to check on Wei WuXian only to shake her head and fake scold him.

"A-Xian your handwriting is too messy. "

"Come on Yima. It's not that bad. You'll be shocked to death if you see A-Diē's writing. "

"Dianxia's writing is nice. "

Wei WuXian grinned at Ling Wen and nodded fervently. He said.

"Of course.
Baba has been trying very hard to teach us both. But you know us, we are lost causes.. Haha"

"I have nothing to say to that. "

Ling Wen replied with a straight face and then went back to her own very huge heap of scrolls. At the one hour mark Wei Wuxian lost all his willpower to keep reading the scrolls. He was too bored to even pretend like he was reading.

Wei WuXian dropped his brush on the ground, all the scrolls were lying around him. He rolled on the floor, sighed and said almost whining.

"Yima I can't. No more please.
I don't know how you do this.
But I can't sit here anymore."

"Alright A-Xian you can go. "

Ling Wen said and started picking up the papers and scrolls from where Wei WuXian had thrown them. Wei WuXian stood up and brushed his robes. He smiled and stretched his hands and legs.

"Okay then. I'll go disturb Feng Jiujiu."

Wei Wuxian waved Ling Wen goodbye and made way to the Palace of Nan Yang. He greeted all the Gods and Deputy Gods along the way, who smiled back at him. It was now a very usual sight to see this teenager roaming around the Heavenly court.

"Feng Jiujiu, Ha! You stopped laughing?"

Wei WuXian teased as he flopped next to Feng Xin. Feng Xin who was not laughing before Wei WuXian entered his Palace, started laughing again.

"A-Xian it's such a nice name to mess with people. You saw Mu Qing's face didn't you.
Suibian... Hahaha... "

'This man , laughs at any joke for no reason.' Wei WuXian laughed along with Feng Xin. Wei WuXian sighed seeing that Feng Xin was not going to stop his laughter anytime soon. He shook his uncle and said.

"Alright Jiujiu. Enough laughing for one day. "

"Now I feel like laughing again thinking of Dianxia's communication array password. Hahaha like father like son. Hahaha"

Feng Xin started laughing loudly, hitting his thigh repeatedly. Wei WuXian groaned and tried to pull Feng Xin by his arms but failed. Wei WuXian smiled mischievously and said.

"Come on will you. I need to practice my sword. If you don't come I...will  call...Qing Juijui~"

"No need to call that man. Let's go A-Xian. "

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now