twenty four

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The ceiling greeted me when I opened my eyes, I felt emotionally numb. Waking up in this room isn't just right, I turned to the side and saw felix beside me

Flashbacks of what he said yesterday came in my mind. I'm not smart but he definitely knows sam isn't his son, but why is he doing this?

And also he can just get rid of me if he wanted to take hyunjin down. After all, I'm no one important to hyunjin. Hyunjin just took me in because sam needed me but for Felix's situation I don't think he kept me because of sam

There's another reason

I sat up and widened my eyes when I realized what time it is. I quickly rushed outside and ran to sam's room, when I was in front of his room a maid came out with a tray that had still food on it

The maid bowed at me "Uhm ma'am, young master isn't eating and he's also not getting down from his bed. He said to leave him alone so I had no choice but to follow his orders"

"Ah... Okay, thank you for your hard work" I smiled at her and she bowed at me before she left. I slowly opened the door of sam's room

The room was dark, the curtains were closed. I sighed as I continued my way up to his bed "Sam?" I called out but he didn't respond

He seems really sad and angry about what happened. It's understandable, everything was going so well but it ended just like that

"Sam, don't keep it all to yourself. You can scream at me, you can cry in front of me. Sam, we're family okay? and families should communicate with each other to strengthen their relationship" There were still no response from him

"Look, I know your sad and angry about what happened but bottling up your emotions like this won't help. If you bottle up your anger and sadness or all of your emotions you're feeling right now, the emotions your feeling will only get stronger and the bottle you're using to contain it will only break and hurt you" my voice cracking at the end of my sentence "so let your emotions out, scream at me, cry at me, tell me everything you want to let the whole world know and I'll listen" I added but had no response from him

My head fell down in despair. I should just give him the space that he needs and let him breath a little. I stood up but suddenly felt a small hand tugging the hem of my shirt

I looked back at sam and saw the tears building up in his eyes "Mommy..."

Hyunjin's Pov
The door of hyunjin's room opened but the person going in stopped as he looked to the ground full of papers. Yanai couldn't help but to worry, it's the first time hyunjin got so irked and exasperated

Yanai couldn't do anything but to sigh. The least thing he could do is to stay by hyunjin's side to guide him. Yanai went in the room with the coffee and placed it beside the empty coffee cups that he had earlier

It's his 5th cup of coffee and he hasn't taken a nap since yesterday, he stayed up all night figuring out who was behind this. Yanai bowed at the young man who was still looking at all the papers

"Young Master, can I share my opinion?" Yanai asked and hyunjin just waved his hands at him indicating that he can "Young Master, you should rest"


Yanai's eyebrows furrowed, it annoys him how hyunjin could just say it so straightforwardly without a hint of hesitation "At this rate young master, you will die before you can even solve this matter" Yanai sternly said

Hyunjin's head fell to his desk as his hands also dropped "Agh!" he hollered and threw the papers to the ground

"You.. have too many enemies to become a suspect, it would take a month to know who's behind this but young master you should investigate the enemies who has a close relationship with Felix. Perhaps things would become a lot easier" Yanai suggested and started picking up the papers scattered on the ground

"I heard Felix took a DNA test to sam three days ago and the results came in the day after but after he got the results, if it was fabricated without his knowledge he would've taken action immediately but he took action the day after he found out the results" Hyunjin mumbled to himself

The timeline is so confusing but here's a more descriptive explanation:
Let's say Felix took a DNA test to sam on March 4 then he got the results on March 5 at exactly 10:00 am but if it was fabricated that means the results are positive and he would've taken action on that day (March 5) but he took action on March 6 at 5:00 pm instead

"What do you mean?" Yanai asked when he heard him mumbling to himself, it was a mumble but Yanai heard him but couldn't get his point

"What I meant is, knowing Felix he would've taken action that day when he got the results but instead he took action the day after he got the results." Hyunjin explained as he lazily looked up and stared into nothing but air

"So that means, Felix is an accomplice of the culprit" Yanai widened his eyes when he finally got Hyunjin's point

"It's possible. After all, Felix enjoys this kinds of things. The suspect I could think of is Songyeon, that old hag, or.." he paused for a moment, his face grew serious as he looked at Yanai


+Okay this chapter isn't any good and I don't like it but anyways I hope you enjoyed it sksksks💀

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