Chapter 19

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Khushi's POV

Today is the day the Kapoor family is coming to talk about marriage. I really don't know how to react. My life is already miserable, and now one more problem has been added.

Last night, I informed my mom about their arrival. She asked me why I am getting married to him and all. I said I love him and I can't marry someone else. On hearing this, she was really happy, and she asked me a lot of questions, and all I did was lie.

I am really feeling bad about lying to my mom. Till now, they don't know anything about that deal, and I also don't want to tell my mom about it because if she comes to know about it, she will feel bad. She will think that she is a burden on us, which is not true. I just want them to stay happy.

It's every girl's dream to become a woman, marry her prince charming, and live a happy life with him.
Like other girls, I have also always dreamed of marrying my prince charming, who will love me unconditionally, who will pamper me and take care of me, but instead of a prince charming, I am getting married to a monster who hates me, who hates my presence, who thinks girls like me are cheap.

I don't know why my life is so messed up. I don't know how I will live with Shourya.

I came back to reality when someone knocked at my door. I wiped my tears and opened the door. Divya was standing there with teary eyes and said, "Di, they are here."

"Divi, why are you crying? I am still not married." I said, wiping away her tears.

"Di, I will miss you." She hugged me, and I patted her back.

"Divi, you are saying all this as if I am going to get married today." She broke the hug.

"Di, let's go. Otherwise they will think how much time their soon-to-be daughter-in-law is taking to come downstairs."

My heart began to race.

Maybe Shourya is also there.

Divya and I went downstairs.

There was Mr.Umesh Kapoor, a lady in her fifties, possibly Shourya's mom, and a girl in her twenties seated there.

Shourya is not here, so that means he didn't come.

"Hi, Miss. Raichandr," Mr. Kapoor got up from his seat and said, "Meet my wife, Avantika Kapoor, and my daughter, Neha Kapoor."

Mrs. Kapoor and Neha also got up from their chair, "Hi, Khushi." Avantika hugged me.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kapoor," I hugged her back.

Neha also hugged me and said, "Nice to meet you, my soon-to-be-bhabi (sister-in-law)"

"Nice to meet you too, Neha," I said, and then I sat next to my mom.

Mom has a smile on her face. I know she is happy. I can do anything to make her smile.

"Mrs. Raichandr, your daughters are really beautiful," Mrs. Kapoor said to my mom.

"Yes, Mrs. Kapoor, they are," mom said, smiling and looking at us.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get the juice for them.
Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked at the ID. It was from the office. I cut the call.

I took the tray, went into the hall, gave them the juice, and sat down beside mom.

"Mrs. Raichandr, may be Khushi must have told you already about our reason for coming here," Mr. Kapoor said while sipping his juice.

"Yes, Mr.Kapoor," Mom said, nodding her head.

I felt like running away from this talk.

"Mrs. Raichandr, we want them to get married next week," Mr. Kapoor said to my mom.

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