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Despite Namjoon's warning not to be seen in public, Jungkook couldn't understand the problem with letting Taehyung out from time to time. After all, as far as the world was concerned, KTH units were a thing of the past. No one would have expected to cross paths with one, and people didn't pay attention to the unexpected.

Having no idea what had happened to Taehyung's old ride, Jungkook got him a new bike and the teaching began. The young man was a quick learner and Taehyung, the best instructor one could hope for. Always giving the most adequate advice at the right time. Not once raising his voice at Jungkook's failure to maintain his balance when taking sharper turns. The physics of velocity was something he definitely had to look into if Jungkook was ever to master that perfect balance required when swerving.

Jungkook had ignored Taehyung's plea to let him ride in the back. "You're too — precious. I'm not letting you on until I know for sure I won't crash." The humanoid had reminded him that he was not made of glass and that a few scrapes wouldn't turn him into junk. "You'll never be junk to me," was all Jungkook could reply.

Days went by and the young man found Taehyung increasingly quiet. He put it down to the lack of connectivity and thought it best to focus on the memory recovery process. After all, he was still an AI and that implied endless possibilities.

Until the day Taehyung flatly told him, "Jungkook, I don't know what my purpose is."

And the boy couldn't help but ask himself whether AIs could experience frustration at not being able to grow, because that sounded like Taehyung was going through some kind of identity crisis.

He simply smiled. "It's OK not to know. But let me assure you that you do have a purpose."

And that purpose was becoming clearer by the day to Jungkook. Fetching their helmets, he said, "come. I want to take you somewhere."

"Does that mean we ride together?"

Jungkook nodded, all smiles. Taehyung lifted his fits up, shaking them a little in an attempt to mimic the motion he'd seen Jungkook do whenever he got excited about something. And that almost did it for the boy's heart.

So cute, he thought, blushing profusely before heading out.

The park by the river Han, one-hour east of the city, hadn't changed much. They had added some colourful flags that were presently flapping in the wind, and as the number of visitors had grown over the years, so had the number of shops, cafés, and restaurants. They walked around a little before sitting on an empty bench by the lily ponds.

"Do you remember this place?" Jungkook asked, trying to sound casual and not choking on nostalgia.

Taehyung hummed in response. "I got you a milkshake and a corn dog. You liked them."

"I still do."

The humanoid looked down at his open palms before closing them tight. "I'm afraid I don't have access to means of payment any longer."

Jungkook swallowed a lump of emotions which had lodged themselves in his throat — of all places. Placing a hand on the other's fist, he gave the brightest smile he could muster. "I didn't bring you back for you to spoil me."

Taehyung stared back with wide eyes. Diving into them wholeheartedly, Jungkook realized he had not once wished for the humanoid to simply be human. Until now. Because that would mean Taehyung would likely be shedding a tear or two and Jungkook could be gently wiping them away and comforting him with soft strokes on his squishy cheeks (he could only imagine how squishy they were because he'd never touched them but they sure did look quite squooshy to him. Also, get a hold of yourself Guk!).

But Taehyung's voice hadn't faltered. AIs weren't about feelings or emotions. And Jungkook really shouldn't be indulging in such silly thoughts. Removing his hand, he gazed at the shimmering water nearby and figured small talk wouldn't hurt. "So tell me. Who is Kim Namjoon to you?"

"He's my older brother."

"Why do you call him boss?"

"I've always called him that. Even before the transformation."

JK knew he was now tapping into the humanoid's hardwire memory. There was no other explanation as to why Taehyung would remember anything at all from the existence of the man he'd been designed after. "What else do you recall? From your previous life, I mean?"

"Not much. Apart from my brother. And the motorcycle accident."

Jungkook was afraid to ask. Taehyung — wittingly? — answered his silent question. "The one that killed my human self."

It was odd, to say the least, for Jungkook to listen to Taehyung discuss his death so casually. Well, technically, the humanoid and the man had not shared the same existence. Except one had basically inherited a portion of the other's memories. The young engineer couldn't help but wonder how much they had influenced the shaping of the AI's personality. Also, if Taehyung had died in a traffic accident, that would explain why Professor Kim had made sure the KTH unit had built-in knowledge of motor vehicle operation.

They talked until the sun went down and it was way past their time to head home. Riding at night was not something Jungkook felt ready for. Especially with such a precious cargo in the back. So Taehyung took the 'wheel'. Sliding behind him, Jungkook grabbed hold of the rider's waist. "Is this okay?"

"You don't have to ask," Taehyung's voice echoed in his helmet. And Jungkook suddenly felt thirteen again.


This was what he'd hoped for: to get some of his old life back.

The day had been perfect, and Jungkook was feeling rather optimistic. The humanoid had shown no sign of memory loss and the young man was excited to get to know the real Taehyung more. One could see why it was easy for him to make the mistake to think he'd have all the time in the world to do that.

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