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"Y/N, wake up! Everyone is going to leave without you." A familiar voice made me jump on the spot, ripping me out of my deep sleep and making me gaze around, disoriented and vision still slightly blurred.

"What?" I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes and gazing at Jean's expectant form standing in my doorway.

"The carts for the injured are leaving in a few minutes to return to the base; it's nearly mid-day. Didn't Levi tell you?" Jean leaned against the doorway, folding his arms over his chest and raising one eyebrow at me.

Where even was Levi? I had fallen asleep right next to him the previous night, but now he was nowhere to be seen. His dirty clothes which had been folded in a pile on the other bed were now gone, with no trace of the man ever having been in my room except for his scent which had lingered on my bedsheets slightly. He had mentioned that he did not sleep much during the night, but why did he just leave without a single word and fail to inform me that we were going back today? This made me feel uneasy.

"Shit," I said under my breath, gazing up at the boy. "Could you pass me some clothes from the wardrobe? I'll get dressed and then we can leave."

Jean closed the bedroom door and passed me some clothes, then proceeded to stand facing a wall so as to not see me getting changed. Throwing the duvet off my body, I was hit with a sharp chill from my bottom half being so exposed. I bet I would have not been this cold if Levi had never left and I had his body here to warm mine. Slipping into some loose bottoms and a t-shirt, then carefully putting on some shoes, I was ready to leave but my only obstacle left was actually getting to the carriages.

"Where's Levi? I never heard him leave last night, so I assumed he stayed the night," Jean mused when I made it clear he could turn around.

"He did, but he left when I was still asleep," I said in a low voice and with a deep frown.

Jean held out a pair of wooden crutches to me, which I was surprised by, but he explained that Hange had asked him to make sure I got back to base just fine, basically assigning him to look after me, and he had found them while looking around the place. My frown only deepened. Why wouldn't Hange have asked Levi instead? She must have known about what was going on between us at this point, if not through people telling her then by just seeing how we interacted. Levi had no captain duties, since he was suspended for a week, so there should not have been any urgent matters he had to attend to. I decided to push these thoughts to the side for now and focus on getting home, as nothing good would come from dwelling on it.

The crutches did not help very much, especially with my broken rib, so Jean's arm around my waist was my main source of support. Most others had already left, taking their horses which everyone rode to Holst on, but there were a few carriages left for those who could not use them. Despite my squad being the only one with casualties, there were still a few injuries around so they had to be accommodated for. 

The journey was long and bumpy but, luckily, Jean had managed to grab me some bread before the carriages left so I did not have to go without breakfast. We had also picked up my bandages and medicine, so the boy helped me treat and rewrap my wounds. I was unbelievably thankful for Jean; he was truly caring and I could always rely on him to help me out, especially when the man who I was supposed to be dating had disappeared without a word.

My companion picked up on my strange mood and quizzed me about the events of the previous night in concern, which I explained in detail but left out sections that I thought would have been too personal for Levi. I discussed how confused I was to be waking up to an empty bed, especially with how close and emotional I thought the man and I had gotten the previous night. He was truly confusing and all I wanted was to talk to him. Jean still expressed how displeased he was with Levi's actions towards me, but I reassured him that it was no longer a big deal. I had learned about the reasons for Levi's outburst and my anger towards him had faded very quickly, but my friend was not so speedy to forgive and forget.

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now