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After Eric left leaving her dazed she couldn't stop smiling. The kiss was lingering in the back of her mind as she explored her new home. It was really a big one and there were many rooms. There were two maids who were in charge of cleaning while one looked after the cooking. 

"Okay Lily, I will take my leave now", Bertha smiled. Bertha was the one that cooked for Eric since the day he bought this penthouse. Her two daughters, Maddie and Mia, were also appointed for cleaning. Lily was ecstatic to make new friends and they took instant liking towards her. 

"Don't worry, I will inform Eric that you guys won't be coming in for a week", Lily assured since they were going to their native for a wedding. After they left she locked the door and ran to the balcony, enjoying the city view. She was looking down at the morning traffic when a shiny sleek car caught her eyes. It looked expensive and she saw a man looking at her bedroom. 

She scrunched her eyes to get a better look when the man entered the car and took off. She shrugged it and went inside, ignoring the car and the man. She took a tour around the house that contained three guestrooms, a gym, their bedroom, Eric's office, a mini bar and a store room beside the kitchen.

She entered the last room and flicked on the lights. She gasped at the room containing musical instruments. A gigantic piano was set in the middle and all other instruments were neatly placed against the wall. She roamed her eyes until they landed on her favourite, guitar. She squealed and ran towards it, tracing it with her fingers. It looked sleek and beautiful.

Her eyes stung remembering her mother holding it when she was young in a photo. It was her mother's favourite instrument. Lily took up music classes and guitar was her favourite too. She was afraid to take it and left the room, closing it behind her. She glanced at the time and it was quarter past eleven. 

She had nothing to do when an idea popped in her mind. She didn't know about Eric but she would love to have lunch with him. She settled on making chicken sandwiches and some apple pie. She put her hair into a bun and started.

It was sharp twelve when she finished packing the lunch. She dressed into a pair of jeans and a red shirt, folding her sleeves. She brushed her hair and picked her lunch, walking into the elevator. Lucas straightened up with a confusion on his face as he saw Lily walking towards him.

"Mrs. Grayson. Do you have somewhere to go?", he asked opening the door for her.

"Umm....yeah. Could you please take me to Eric's office? I have lunch for him and I don't know the way. Are you free?", she smiled.

Lucas chuckled ushering her inside. He went around and entered into driver's seat.
"Ma'am, this is my job. Of course, I am appointed to take you places.", he looked at her in the mirror as he spoke.

"Thank you Sir", Lily nodded and internally smacked for her stupidity.
"Mrs. Grayson, you can call me Lucas"
"Then you must call me Lily, Lucas. Mrs. Grayson makes me feel too old", Lily made a yuck face.

His eyes softened and he nodded driving to Eric's company. When they reached, Lucas opened the door and Lily looked at the building. It was so tall and she turned to Lucas.

"Mr. Grayson is on the 45th floor. Have a nice day, Lily", Lucas left waving at her. She waved back and a guard opened the door for her. She looked at him as he wore a boring look on his face.

"Thank you sir. Have a good afternoon", she smiled at him. He snapped out of his thoughts and surprise crossed his face. She entered after the guard gave her a smile. She passed the receptionist applying dark red lipstick and headed straight for the lift. But unfortunately there were only buttons till 44th floor. She looked confused and stepped out slamming into a man. 

"I'm so sorry, so sorry. I wasn't looking whe-where I was...going", Lily frantically apologized to the man. 

"Hey! Hey! It's okay, calm down. No harm done", the man said. He had auburn hair and Lily instantly recognized him from her wedding.
"Mr. Harrison?", Lily smiled.

The man stopped and looked at her. He smirked and recognized her as well.
"Mrs. Grayson, what a surprise", he took her hand kissing it. She blushed and retreated her hand.
"It's nice meeting you again, Mr. Harrison", she smiled.

"So, where are you headed to, gorgeous?"
"Umm.....well to Eric's office. I have his lunch prepared but I don't know how to get there", she shuffled.

"Oh, I'm heading there too. Let me take you there", he playfully bowed making Lily giggle.
"There's another lift which is only used by Eric or if you want to see him"

Lily nodded and they both made their way to the top floor. On the way up, Clark made Lily laugh at his silly jokes and she enjoyed his humor sense. They both were about to walk out of the lift when Lily tripped on her foot, losing her balance. She was about to kiss the ground when she landed on a surface less harder than the floor. She opened one eye to see Clark's face close to her. She gasped and lifted her upper body to see him under her, taking her fall. Clark's arms were around her waist and his back was on the floor, reducing the impact of her falling. 

Lily started apologizing and Clark seemed amused by her ramble. He stopped her in the middle, "As much as I like our position and your apologies, I suggest we get up before I end up staying here"

She quickly got up and raised her eyes to meet a very furious Eric glaring at the two. Her eyes widened as he entered his office, slamming the door in the process. She turned to look at Clark who was sporting a smirk.
"Are you okay?", he smiled at her.

She nodded feeling a little scared after Eric's face. She was sure he looked so angry. But for what she couldn't decipher. Had she done something wrong in the morning?

Suddenly the ringing of Clark's phone pulled her out of her thoughts. Clark answered the phone and he frowned at what the other person said. Lily waited patiently as she was afraid to deal with Eric alone. She was about to ask Clark to join them for lunch before her fall. She prepared extra just in case. He cut the call and turned to Lily.

"I will take my leave then-", Clark replied but Lily cut him off.
"Won't you be having lunch with us, Mr. Harrison?", Lily asked.
"As much as I would love to, beautiful, work is calling. I hope to see you later, Mrs. Grayson", Clark swiftly left, smiling.

Lily turned and walked towards Eric's office. She was about to knock when she heard a loud shattering noise from the inside. 

Her eyes widened and she threw the doors open to see a furious Eric......

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