✞ 9 ✞ Training

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My mum drove me to school before work today and now I'm walking into school

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My mum drove me to school before work today and now I'm walking into school. I walk down the hall to my class when suddenly someone called my name. I looked around at the voice and saw Lucas. "Hey Y/n, I missed you." he said when he hugged me. "I'm glad everything is fine between you and Jake." Before I could say anything, Jake came over and kissed my cheek. "I'm glad too." he said to Lucas. What? I turned to Jake and stared at him, not sure what to say.

A couple of Jake's football friends came over and talked. I didn't listen, I just stood there. Jake said to one of his friends, "Yeah bro, my girlfriend is going to cheer us on at the game." He put an arm around my shoulder and continued talking to his friends. What did he just say?

I looked at Jake and said with a fake smile, "Hey Jake, can we talk over there for a while?" I pointed to a corner with fewer people. He nodded and walked with me to the corner.

"What?" he asked. I looked at him. "Listen Jake, I know this is weird, but I thought we broke up. I know that sounds stupid, but whether you were stressed at home or not, you still cheated on me." I said without taking my eyes from his face.

"I apologized. I thought everything would be fine between us again." he said. Oh shit. Maybe I just always overreact a bit. It was just a kiss, right?

He looked at me with narrowed eyes and put his hand on my cheek. "Listen Y/n, I love you and I don't want us to break up" he said. I looked up at him. What should I do now?

"I know Spooky claimed you, but that was just on a whim anyway. I don't know what he finds attractive about you, but I know that you're my girl and not his girl. You will always be my girl and this cholo cannot do anything against it." he said and looked angrily into my eyes. Did he just offend me?

I took a step back and stared at him. "I'm not an object. What's going on in your head?" I asked and went to my class. I sat down at my table. What's going on here?


"You have to hold this position." Chloe said, tapping my chin lightly with her hand while I did a split. I nodded and looked at her. She's the cheerleader captain. She ran to another girl and yelled, "Damn it, you have to keep your chin up." I don't like her, but she's a good captain. If we continue like this, then we'll be perfect at the game.

We trained outside on the football field. We trained on one side and on the other side were the football players and went through strategies. I turned my head slightly to see what they were doing, but that was a mistake. I looked directly into Jake's eyes and he into mine. I quickly turned my head the other way. Fuck.

"Well done, the training is going well. You can go home and I'll see you again soon." shouted Chloe across the field. I rolled my eyes and got up. I threw my gym bag over my shoulders and went to the locker rooms.

Of course, I was the last one again. I packed my cheerleader outfit in my gym bag and walked out of the locker room.

I was walking past the grandstand to the exit of the sports field when I saw Jake. He leaned against the stand and looked at me. I walked up to him and stopped some distance away. "Hey." he said and pushed away from the stands and walked towards me.

"Hi." I replied hesitantly. "I wanted to apologize." he said slowly and stopped in front of me. I folded my arms. "I shouldn't have talked to you like this." he said and put his hands in his front pockets. I nodded, not sure what to do. "I know I might be overreacting, but you really hurt me when you kissed that girl." I said without looking him in the face. Shit, I have trust issues.

He leaned over me. His face wasn't far from my face. He put his hand on my chin and kissed me. The moment his lips touched my mouth, I backed away. "Jake," I took a deep breath, "we're not together anymore. I'm sorry if I didn't get that straight, but it won't work between us anymore." He looked at me angrily and I tried to avoid his gaze.

"What? I just apologized, didn't I?" he looked at me questioningly. It doesn't change the fact that you kissed another girl, you idiot. I couldn't say anything. "Y/n! Fucking talk to me!" he screamed. I flinched. He was never like that. What happened to him?

"Jake." I said slowly. "I really want to go home. Please let's talk about it another time." I looked him in the eye. I saw anger in his eyes. I want him to calm down.

I walked past him, but suddenly a hand was around my neck. I was pressed against the wall of the grandstand. "Jake." I said out of breath. I tried to remove his hands with my hands, but it didn't work. "He fucked you, right? Spooky. That's why you're so weird to me." He asked. "Let go of me Jake." I spoke.

"Ey!" someone shouted. Jake let go of me and I fell to the floor. I took a breath and opened my eyes. There was Oscar. He came running towards us. He recognized me and his eyes widened.

He turned to Jake and hit him hard in the face without hesitation. Jake fell to the floor. Oscar kept punching him in the face and Jake tried to fight back but couldn't.

Oscar will go back to jail if he doesn't stop. I got up and tried to pull Oscar away from Jake. He didn't move and kept hitting on Jake's face.

"Oscar, stop he's not worth it." I yelled and tried to pull him away. This time he nodded. He got up and said, "Don't you ever come too close to her again, cabrón. I will kill you!" Jake nodded.

Oscar took my hand and walked with me to his car. He said nothing and drove off. I looked at him worried, "Are you all right? We have to bandage your fists." I looked at his bleeding fists.

He just laughed. "I'm not worried about myself, are you all right?" he asked and kept looking at the street. "I should have killed him." he said without waiting for my answer. "No. Now please drive to your house." I said and we drove to him.

A couple of Santos were sitting in front of the house talking. Oscar and I got out of the red impala and he took my hand. Pablo and a few other Santos shouted, "Heyy niña mala!" and I nodded to them with a small smile.

Oscar and I went into the house and I got the first aid kit. Oscar sat on the couch and watched me walk around the house looking for the whole bandage stuff.

I walked to him and disinfected his hands and put a bandage on his hand. He watched me carefully. When I finished, he said, "Thank you, now to you, where does it hurt?" He looked at me intently. "I'm fine, it's just my neck, it'll be fine." I said while looking into his face.

"How did you even know I was there?" I asked him. He took a deep breath and replied, "Cesar said you have training and I waited to drive you home, but everyone came out of the sports field, except you, I was worried. I went looking for you and then - you know."

"Oscar?" I asked and he nodded. "Thank you." I said and he got up and hugged me. Then the door opened and Sad eyes, Pablo and Joker came in. We both pulled away from each other.

Sad eyes pointed to Oscar's hand and said, "What happened, homie?" Oscar looked at me and then back at the three Santos and then said, "It's handled."


"Take care of yourself, hermosa." said Oscar as he drove away. I closed my front door. He drove me home after I was in the Santos house for a while. We just talked and ate. I went up to my room without anything exciting happening.

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