Just a Taste 💣

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Just realizing how much I will have to deal with later on has me scared. Julius was the type to have a major mean tactic every five minutes. I had a house to finish so, I walked upstairs to change into my renovation outfit.

A pair of white sweatpants and a white top. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked back downstairs. I hear Michael talking to someone on the phone outside..

"Look damnit! Don't you fucking call me no more! You betrayed me Lisa!! No.. fuck that!! How could you even do this to me!! My mother knew.. she fucking knew that you wasn't good for me!!" He yelled.

I felt bad watching him slowly stride back and forth talking to who ever Lisa was. It stung me in my chest the way he poured his heart out to that woman. I wish I had the strength to stand up to Julius. I just can't whatever fight I have in me... I just can't.

I'm standing here in my own thoughts when Michael came walking past the door and he stops.

"Hey.. I didn't know you were standing there.." He said wiping his eyes. My breath caught in my throat. This guy was hurt but he tried to hide it, like I do.

"Yeah, I just walked over here but i didn't want to interrupt anything." I said.

"You didn't, I was tighting up some loose ends.. it's nothing really." He said wiping under his eyes.

"I wanted to tell you that I was going to one of my houses to finish up some of the painting. I have to put it up for sale. It will be a few hours before I return. But did you need me to cook anything or get anything for you?" I asked.

"No, if anything, you deserve to be cooked for. You do a lot Kayla. Don't worry about me.. I'll fine something to eat.. I just might cook myself as a gratitude for letting me stay." He said.

"Thanks.. And you don't have to--" He snaps his finger.

"No! Kayla, I must.. for you." He said as he walked up to me and reached for my trembling hands. And looked at me, "I want to do this for you." He said.

"Well okay." I said as he let go and waltz in to the kitchen.

"I'm going to head over there, okay? Call me if you need me." I said as I got ready to walk out.

"Hey Kayla..?" He asked as he peered around the wall with a smile.

"Huh?" I said turning around.

"Look um..can maybe one day we can visit some of the houses together.. you know. Like maybe I could help.. painting is like my thing.." he said as he got tickled, placing his hands on his chest reassuringly.

"Okay Michael! I got you!" I said as I turned around and walked out the door.


I love her eyes, they are the most beautiful and caring brown eyes I have seen. I meant to cook for her, she deserves everything down to a warm bath. Damn! How could Julius be so fucking stupid! I took out some grilled chicken, some vegetables and played some smooth jazz.

Lisa had one more time to call me. I blocked her fucking number twice, even all the unknown numbers she tried to call me from and the shit didn't work. I still cussed her ass out and I wasn't playing. She fucking played me right in my fucking face and that's something that I would never ride with.

I had to hold my peace and play this cool with Julius. I knew that Kayla needed me and I will hold on to as much as I can but if this shit gets too bad, I'm fucking my best friend up and taking his girl.. for good.


I walked inside the home that I had to finish painting. This was my outlet, my breath of air that I desperately needed. Being beat down by a motherfucker who doesn't give a shit, hurts. And now I find my self secretly having feelings for Michael. Its only been a day and a half. Then I'm feeling like I am about to be in deep shit.

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