Don't Let It Go

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(Name's) P.O.V
We push the time machine back to Wilbur's house, which luckily wasn't too far away. "We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need." Wilbur told Lewis as we push. "What about your parents?" He asked. "Mom never goes in there, and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning. You've got till then to fix it."

"Well, fine, but I'm gonna need some blueprints or something for this." Lewis told him. "No worries. We got someone who could help us with that." We reach the garage door, a little door open up top, Carl speaks in a deep voice. "Who dares to disturb my sanctuary?"

"Carl, it's us. Let me in." Wilbur told him. "None may enter unless they speak the royal password." The robot told him. "Carl, what are you talking about? We don't have a password." Wilbur reply. "Yes, we do. I made one up while you and (Name) were gone."

"Well, then how are we supposed to know what it is?" Wilbur asked. "You..." Carl stop and spoke in his more normal voice. "Good point." He close the little door and opens up.

Wilbur pull the Time Machine in while Lewis and I push. "Welcome back, little buddy. So what's up with the stolen time machine? Did you find it?" Wilbur gives Carl a look that answered his question. "Apparently not, and you two managed to bust this one as well."

"It'll be fixed before Dad gets home." Wilbur told him. "And how do you suppose that's gonna..." Carl trail off when he notice Lewis. "Who's that?" Carl ask looking Lewis. "Wow, a real robot! Hi, I'm Lewis." Lewis said holding out his hand out.

Carl look at Lewis's hair and scream, running to the travel tube that suck him up as he continue to scream. "Well, that was unexpected." Lewis said backing up, Wilbur grab a fruit hat and place it on Lewis's head. "As was that."

"If my family finds out I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave. I'M NOT EXAGGERATING. Well, yes, I am, but not the point. The point is, your hair's a dead giveaway." Wilbur explained to Lewis.

"Now that you say that, it really is. I don't know how I didn't notice it." I commented. "Notice what? Why would my hair be a dead giveaway?" Lewis asked. "That is an excellent question." Wilbur said, he then grab my hand pulling my towards the travel tube.

"Wait! Where are you both going?" Lewis asked us. "Another excellent question." He said before we go up the tube. "But I don't just want to sit here." We both come back and Wilbur point at him. "Stay." We then went back up the tube. "But..." We return and Wilbur just pointing at at him again, while I made the sign that I was watching him. We then left once again to try and calm Carl down.

3rd Person P.O.V
Lewis look around and spotted another travel tube. He walk over the tube and got suck up. Lewis scream as he travels through the tube till he was shot outside in front of the Robinson's house. "Wow!" He walk up to the door and Spike pop his head out from a planet pot next to Lewis making him jump. "Hey, ring my doorbell."

Dimitri pop his out of the other planet pot when Lewis bump into it. "No, no, no, no, ring my doorbell." Lewis jump again and starts backing up towards the doorbell. "Ring it. Ring it. Ring it. Look at this door bell. Ring it." His back hit the button and trumps went off, startling the poor kid so bad that he fell down. "Yes!"

Spike makes a wrong answer buzzer sound. "That was accidental. That's an accidental ring. It doesn't count. It's in the rule book. Look it up." He told his brother. "Flat head." Dimitri insulted him. "Short roots." Spike threw back at him. "Evergreen." The door is open by Lefty the butler, Lewis look up at the door frighten.

Wilbur's P.O.V
"Come on Carl, we've been in spots like this before. It's no big deal." I told the robot who has lock himself inside a closet. "Oh no way man. You two troublemakers have really done it this time! Thanks to you leaving the Garage door open, the time stream was altered, and when your Dad gets back tomorrow, I'm gonna get blame for it! But not this time! Cause looks who's hiding in a closet!!"

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