chapter 112

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Author's  POV:

After the meeting Geetha and Sadhvi both bid byes with Varun and left to the dorms as Sadhvi wanted to spend sometime with her friends before going home.

As they reached the dorms they laid on the bed casually looking at the ceiling......her other two friends weren't there yet as they are going out today for a convenience store.

Here both were lost in their own thoughts.but Sadhvi was the one to start the conversation which was at the back of her from the past few days.

"Geetha....can I ask you something??" She said.

After listening to it Geetha was a bit nervous as if she can guess what was coming at her in few seconds ........the thing she was desperately trying to hide. But she can sense the worry in her best friend's voice........they both are same. Even she herself was worried when she knew about sadhvi's marriage so she can understand her friend's internal turmoil.

"Yeah Sadhvi. You don't need to ask permission from me." Geetha said meekly. She was trying to prepare herself or what she has to answer to her friend.....

"Are you in love with someone??? Or can I say Adarsh sir?" Sadhvi asked directly without beating around the bush.

Geetha's heart beat started raising.......his name was more than enough for her to feel all the tingly yet mesmerising feelings to raise in her heart.

Geetha bit her lip not knowing how to explain the whole things.....

"Savi....I...I think I like him. May be as the time goes on my liking for him goes away too. Nothing to worry." Geetha said the white lies to Sadhvi.
But she managed to deliver those quite well that Sadhvi couldn't find anything wrong......

But yet Sadhvi was worried about her friend.....who is like another version of her from past month and she is not saying the proper reason for her sadness.
She even hoped that she can ship Geetha and Adarsh together so that she can never leave her best friend even after Geetha's marriage is inevitable.
And here Geetha confessed that she feels something with Adarsh....may be she can just hope things to happen.
What she doesn't know was her friend was already in love with deep that she can never come out of that and even she doesn't want to come out.

"So you just like him???" Sadhvi asked to confirm....just for her to know things and not mess up anywhere.

Geetha nodded.

"Ok....he is a nice person. It is nothing bad to crush on know even I had a crush on Siddarth before marriage." Sadhvi said to cheer her up.

Geetha giggled and said
"You were lucky enough to marry your doesn't happen to all."

"What do you will marry Adarsh sir if you get a chance!!!!" Sadhvi almost shouted in excitement. She already liked that idea.

How much ever Geetha tried to hide her feelings towards Adarsh they show up right on her face.....her desperate attempts went into vain. Geetha was now blushing red......

"No no.....stop with that topic say why are you so happy today????" Geetha tried to divert topic. Geetha knew that Sadhvi will forget everything when she has Siddarth on her mind and her happiness is related with Siddharth.

Sadhvi blushed remembering all the moments.....their cuddling and then the good bye kiss.....

She didn't said Geetha about their confessions yet....and she know that her friend will be very much happy for her.

"We confessed....I mean atfirst I said I love you and then he said he love me know Geetha  I am so happy!!!!" Sadhvi said with happiness brimming in her eyes.

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